Thursday, February 9, 2012

31 weeks

I have been so swamped and tired this week that I just haven't felt like updating the blog. I am behind on most everything at work and home. I imagine it's only going to get worse in the coming weeks! I am still trying to get over this cold. While I feel much better, Madeline has been sick, which has stressed the whole house. Poor puppy. We are hoping she is on the mend, though. The vet thinks it's a bacterial infection in her GI track. Last night she got fluids and 2 shots and we're currently giving her two different medications.

Anyhow, not to be a downer--things really are going very well. I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday.  Blood pressure and weight were normal. I am measuring at 31 weeks and the doctor was unconcerned about the impact of my cold on Alaina. She said that since we didn't have anything big planned, she decided to bring in the portable ultrasound machine to take a look, just for fun. Given that I really didn't think I would have any additional ultrasounds, this was really exciting! Of course now I'm spoiled and will be keeping my fingers crossed for another look in a future appointment. Her heart rate was in the 130s and Alaina was turned head down (though of course she still has time to move around or turn), though a little crooked (but not transverse). My amniotic fluid also looks good. Unfortunately because it was a portable ultrasound, I didn't get any pictures. Chad is upset that I didn't think to take a video or any photos. I was just so surprised that it didn't even cross my mind!! The doctor also said the pain I've been having does sound like round ligament pain. Combining this with Smudge's position (with her leaning to the right), that added pressure could be making it more uncomfortable. So, pretty much everything I had guessed. I could get a prenatal cradle, which would help with the round ligament pain as well as back pain and swelling. But it just seems like such a waste to buy something I would use for only about 8 weeks.

We have been getting lots of fun and exciting presents in the mail from great friends and family! I definitely need to get on the thank-you notes (again, so very behind at work and home)! I also got in two very cute things that I ordered from Etsy--a canopy cover for our car seat and an adorable hair bow holder. Isn't it so weird how different the color of the room looks depending on the picture? I guess you'll just have to come see it in person to judge what is the most accurate color. :)

The next few weeks are definitely going to be crazy. I'll try to keep you guys posted on things, though! I will end with a shot of my gigantic belly (and a slightly crazed look in my eyes...). It's ridiculous how huge it's getting--I think it deserves its own zip code...

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