Friday, September 28, 2012

Mom of the year

I will not be winning this award anytime soon (along with a no-show in the category of wife of the year).

Next week I am leaving my not-quite six month old to go to a conference for work. Originally the plan was for Chad and Alaina to come with me because it's near his family so it would be a chance for them to hang out with him and the baby. However, we were going to drive and it was going to cost a lot more in hotel stay, gas, dog sitting expense, and Chad's lost wages. Plus a 16+ hour trip (one way!) with a baby sounded pretty terrifying and we wouldn't have even gotten to spend that much time with family.

So we made the difficult decision for me to go alone.

I don't want to go. Especially if she's still sick.

Chad is starting to get nervous, too.

I know she won't remember. And it will be good for her to hang out with her daddy. But I'll remember. And so will Chad.

How can I leave this sweet face?

1 comment:

  1. How long will you be gone? It'll be ok, don't worry too much. You'll miss her for sure, but it'll be a quick bump n the road and you'll be back in no time. She'll be SO happy to see you, you'll get a huge smile!
