Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 month (+3 weeks) appointment

Alaina had her "6-month" appointment on Friday. It ended up being almost a month late. She had a couple of immunizations and her well child check. She weighed 16 pounds 11 ounces and was 26 inches long, both of which are hovering around the 50th percentile. We talked about her cough and the pediatrician said we could do a nasal swab to determine if it was a viral infection but really all that would do is put a name to it. We discussed the possibility that it's allergies and decided to do a trial of Claritin. We started the allergy medicine on Sunday and so far we have seen no difference in the amount of coughing. She handled the shots well. She was a little grumpy Friday night but Tylenol and cuddles seemed to help. Unfortunately, she only got the Rotavirus oral vaccine, Hep B, and the flu shot so we have to go back in a month for additional immunizations. :(

She woke up too early on Sunday morning though and didn't want to take a long nap so we played in the bed for a little while before having to get up.

A few people have asked so I'll just update that she is doing great at daycare. She loves her teachers and seems to have fun. She really enjoys the other kids. There is an 8-week-old starting on Monday so Chad and I just hope that Alaina will still get tons of love and hugs even though the teachers will be fighting over holding the itty bitty baby.

She's just too funny.

Over the weekend, we introduced Alaina to a "sippy" cup with water. Oh my goodness, she loves it! She doesn't really get the concept but she loves that cup. I've also ordered one with a straw for her to try. In terms of food, today we started pears. We took a little break from solid food early last week just because of all of the Halloween craziness. So far, she has still only had oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and now pears.

The latest development is the beginning of a fear response. She had previously showed slight clinginess when entering a new place or seeing new people but really no strong reaction (and she is easily held by anyone). However, an interesting thing happened this weekend. A couple of months ago, I got her this Fisher Price Bee that's antennae light up and has little phrases ("Be a bee!"). She seemed to really like it. But then when she and Chad got sick, I put several of her toys away to disinfect. Well, I hadn't gotten around to pulling that one back out so I did that this weekend. She is now terrified of it! When it lit up, her little face just fell and she didn't know what to think. Like any good psychologist, I am gradually exposing her to this bee so that she doesn't grow up with impairment related to this experience! She's okay touching it if it is turned off or if I am holding her. Mostly she just looks at it suspiciously. Hilarious. She is having similar reactions to the vacuum cleaner.

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