We had a really great holiday weekend! I hope y'all did, too. On Saturday, Alaina and I went shoe shopping with my friend, Ricki (it was way past time. Apparently you're supposed to get new tennis shoes every six months. I'm on the six year plan as I got my trusty sketchers in July 2007). Alaina was a little crazy. We ended up letting her out of the stroller and she ran down the aisles, picking up shoes and laughing (as I was driving home I had thoughts about how I couldn't believe I was that mom. But oh well.) Afterward, we all went out for gelato.


We also just spent a lot of time playing and laughing. That's what weekends are for now. These were photos that were taken when Alaina was supposed to be napping.

Alaina loves Madeline. Madeline loves being petted but she still seems a little unsure about the screaming toddler. We are so lucky that Madeline is good natured and patient.

Because there is a lot of screaming.
But it's worth it.
Today we took Alaina to the Wondertorium, which is like a children's museum. Most of it is geared for kids older than Alaina but she ended up having a lot of fun.
The Wondertorium does have a designated room for kids under 2 as well. Alaina was a bit more interested in all of the shoes (kids and adults take their shoes off, like in a play place) than playing with the new toys.
She really loved the feel of the gym mats!
We got to see her practice climbing stairs, something she doesn't get at home.
She also got to splash at the water table and took what may be my most favorite photo yet. Look at that face!!!
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