Saturday, January 19, 2013

9 month old baby girl

So I started this post last weekend when Alaina turned 9 months old (01/12/13). But never got around to finishing it. Happy 9 months, baby girl! Her 9 month appointment is on Monday and I'm curious to see her stats! Her eating/drinking varies so much from week-to-week. I feel like she is getting longer.

Probably the most exciting news is that Alaina has fully transitioned to her crib! Overall, I would say she is doing pretty well with this. She has slept in it for all naps and all night for two weeks now. She has had a few nights where she sleeps from 9/10 pm until 7 am, which is amazing. But there have also been a few nights where she woke up every 2 hours and was very difficult to put back down. So a little hit or miss. But I call it a success. I am adjusting to sleeping with the sounds of the monitor and waking up to check out the screen, instead of rolling over to check on her. But it's going well. Most importantly, she typically wakes up very happy in the morning (she wakes up on her back, don't let the pictures below fool you. She does not sit up or stand up in her crib).

She still isn't very mobile. She can scoot around in a circle on her bottom, if she is holding onto something. She also can go from a sitting position onto her tummy, but she gets mad when she does this. She gets plenty of time in the "crawling position" which she tolerates, but still no desire to move. She is getting much better about playing independently. Her favorite thing in the world is to dump baskets and boxes of toys. This will keep her entertained for awhile!

Alaina loves to talk. At school they say she is very talkative and we totally see that at home! She's funny; she also loves to imitate laughs and sounds. The most fun is her clapping. One of her teachers said that when they start cleaning (mopping, spraying toys, etc.) Alaina will clap and say "yay!!" Hilarious. She also now says "Ah duh" at the end of meals when I say "All done." 

In terms of meals, she has tried pasta, cheerios, puffs, and pita bread. She loves them all and is getting pretty good at feeding herself these dry foods. 

The most hilarious thing from the previous week is that I showed her the "hot dog" video from Mickey Mouse club house. She thinks this is funny and likes to bounce to the music and yell at Mickey.

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