Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Years

Unfortunately, Alaina got really cranky this past Sunday evening and she has had a fever. It's ranged from 100-103. I ended up being awake with her most of the night from midnight to 4:30 am. Poor thing was so unhappy. She just wanted to sit in my lap. All.the.time.

On Monday night, we gave her infant ibuprofen at the advice of the after hours nurse line (since her fever was 102+ and ibuprofen is supposed to last longer than tylenol). Well, it brought her fever down quickly but it turned out to be a big mistake. She was wired and restless and refused to sleep for four hours.

Needless to say, she was not enjoying 2013.

Once we finally got her to sleep, she stayed asleep until 10:30 am though! She has never slept so late. She was feeling happier during the day.

I noticed that she was also fiddling with her ear and holding her head so this warranted a doctor's appointment. As we feared, another double ear infection. Poor thing just can't get a break. Her eating has also been really erratic. I know that she's obviously a chunk but it hurts to see that she's gone from the 99th percentile in weight to the 40th. She is obviously healthy, though. I just get too wrapped up in numbers and stats. Here she is pushing up. Still no crawling, pulling up, and very little rolling. She talks a lot, though. And she's off the charts cute.

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