Sunday, December 14, 2014

25 Days of Christmas: Day 14--Candy Cane Experiment

Pure bliss

Elves love science so today's activity was a fun experiment with one of an elf's main food groups--candy canes

When you aren't watching, little helpers can sneak your dependent variables.


We put one candy cane in a bowl with warm water of various temperatures.

We watched as the water turned red from the stripes disintegrating first. Little bubbles started popping as the water dissolved the sugar.

She lost interest before they completely disintegrated but she did enjoy smelling and tasting the water. And was a little amazed that the candy canes were "all gone, where'd they go?"


  1. This is brilliant. And how much effort did it take, for such a big lesson?

    1. Zero effort at all assuming you have candy canes and access to a water source. I imagine your bowls don't even have to be clean; the dirt may just add error variance to explain. ;)
