Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy thanksgiving!

We love our friends and family!! Thanks so much for being part of our journey!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Best friends (unrequited love?)

I will try to catch up more tomorrow but the next few weeks will be quite busy for me! I had to share these photos and video. As I mentioned before, A is so crazy about Madeline (I haven't met anyone who isn't. I mean, she is one of the sweetest, most laid back puppies ever. If we could get her to stop and waking us up at night, I would say she is pretty much perfect). We are constantly having to move A so that Madeline can have a little space. Thank goodness she is patient. 

We got her a new bed because Chad thought A wouldn't get in it as much as she tried laying on the comforter. I knew he was mistaken but Madeline does love her new digs!

Friday, November 1, 2013

18 month stats

A had her 18-month Well Child Check today. She is 31.25 inches long (25th percentile) and weighed 24 pounds and 1 ounce (67th percentile). Her head was 18.5 inches (68th percentile). So she's growing well. It made me laugh because in the last couple of weeks we've had several people ask if A is tall for her age. I didn't think that she was and that was verified today. But she is perfect.

I was very happy to see that our pediatrician's office includes the M-CHAT as part of their 18 month screening. I wish more pediatric clinics did autism and developmental delay screenings. If you have a toddler and yours doesn't, encourage them to; early intervention is really important! Shoot me an email if you want more information on this. A is doing great developmentally. Her doctor was happily surprised to hear that she is still rear facing in her car seat (that doesn't seem to be very common here) and was happy with her verbal and social skills. She has about 40 words she consistently says and her reciprocal language is great.

This is the first appointment where A didn't fuss at all during the exam. She was very laid back. We discussed her coughing/breathing and are going to start using a maintenance anti-inflammatory steroid inhaler (Qvar) along with Zyrtec. This should also decrease the reliance on Albuterol and night-time coughing. Also, her ears were pretty waxy which meant that the doctor couldn't see her tubes. This happened when we brought her in for the virus recently as well. So we need to contact her ENT for his recommended method for clearing the wax. The only shot she needed was a flu shot. Yay. We also talked a little about ways to get through this picky eating phase we've hit.

Here's a video I took this morning of her with her best friend, Madeline. Such sweet girls.