Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Angel dumpling

Every time we go to the wondertorium we find something new and exciting. We went to a sweet birthday party this weekend and had so much fun! She is still singing Happy Birthday to Vivi and talking about her Frozen plate with birthday cake. :)

There were fun new exhibits.

You know you're a mom when your first thought is "oh no, please don't let her get lice."

Back home we did a little playing and a lot of cleaning. 

Non-crafty mom strikes again. :)

We were so happy that uncle Tommy and aunt Cathy came to visit. They brought A a sweet, orange fox who she loves and brought us our favorite, Grippo's barbecue chips. It was so nice to see them.

Tonight A helped make dumplings for dinner. She is becoming quite the little chef.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall Family Friday

Tonight we went back to Rockin' Star Farms for their fall opening. Along with the rest of Stillwater. ;) It was pretty busy but we had fun. We met another family from Kentucky (go Big Blue!) and it turns out that both of the children go to A's school. Small world.

Baby A got two mini pumpkins and she talked about them all the way home. We still need to hit up a "real" pumpkin patch. We had heard the food trucks would be out there so we invited Kris, Neil and Avery to come down. Unfortunately, almost all the trucks were in OKC. A new one was out there but we opted to go out after the girls had enough playing.

It's so funny to compare these photos to last year. The year went by fast, as they often do...



Sunday, September 7, 2014

Slow days; fast years

There is an old quote "The days go slow but the years go fast". This is so true of parenting. I am not sure who to attribute the quote to so who knows what the author was actually referring to as I am sure people feel this way in many walks of life. However, if you google the term, you'll come up with Modest Mouse lyrics and lots of angsty parents doing exactly what I am doing now--reveling in the amazement that moments can somehow drag on for what feels like years and years flash by in a moment. 

So I feel a little bad when I go weeks between updating the blog. I know that our family gets a little irritated but I also know how often I like looking back to see what A was doing at various points and when she hit certain milestones. And lately there are lots of holes. Because seriously. How and when did she get so big?

My current favorite word she says is "yeelicious."

But we are doing well. Chad and I are enjoying work and A loves her teachers and her friends. She had a stomach virus last week that woke us up last Friday morning but she seemed to bounce back pretty quickly. Chad just had something this weekend but we aren't sure if it was the same thing (seems unlikely since 8 days had passed), another virus, or food poisoning. Other than that, though, life is just marching forward. I still struggle with frustration of Chad's schedule--I *should* be better at acceptance but yet this is an area I continue to be so willful. Alas.

It's funny how A is growing up. She just enjoys life so much.

Last weekend we made pancakes.

On Labor Day we made chocolate chip cookies. She loves being in the kitchen (so do the dogs).

Everyone knows I am not particularly crafty. Parenting is really stretching that where I at least try to fake it (usually poorly).

Like making doll diapers out of wash cloths.  

Make sure you let me know that you laughed at this.

Today we made a silky play dough out of conditioner and cornstarch. That was a whole lot of fun. Fortunately, Chad rarely looks at the blog so he won't see what a big mess that ended up making. ;) It was silky smooth to clean though and we smelled "yeelicious" afterward.

Some days she looks so much like Chad that it sort of takes my breath away. I am starting to wonder if she's going to look more like him than me.

She definitely got silly genes from both of us.

As apparently often happens, A has stopped napping most weekend days at home. We are incredibly fortunate though because she has taken to "quiet time" pretty readily. She lays in her bed "resting" for 20-30 minutes and then asks me to turn on the lights and give her toys and/or books. Sometimes she will stay in her bed for 45-60 minutes. We fully recognize that this is miraculous.

The last few days we have had really great weather. Given that it was 102 last year during the first week of September, I am happy that it appears we may have a longer fall season. We really enjoyed getting out yesterday. We have a few projects in and around the house that we plan to get to within the next month (e.g., replacing our front flower beds and the living room flooring). So that should be super exciting...

And for the record, Blogger has gotten incredibly slow with uploading videos. This is probably one reason I avoid updating...I seriously want to throw my laptop across the room right now...