Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Oops. Sorry for the delay in new posts. :)

I have lots I could update on but it's nothing terribly exciting. But we've had several people check in on us because of the lack of updates. So, here you go!
Health: A's pulmonology appointment in January was a mixed bag. Her lungs sounded clear but her doctor was not happy to hear her cough has returned so frequently since our last few months (even though some of the cough has surely been related to viral illnesses). He indicated he would want to move her up to a new class of inhaler if this continues, stating the next two medications are the 'heavy hitters'. So clearly we would prefer to hold off on these as long as possible. She has had several nights of pretty heavy coughing but we have not had to do Prednisone yet.

Chad's health is fine. He even got on the treadmill once recently! If he starts using it, that just means we will get a new/good one. I've been fine tolerating our rough, squeaky, rickety one. :) I mean, I was fine back when I was using it more regularly. ;) I'm still trying to get back on that wagon and stay on it.

Home: A and I have been having more fun than usual in the evenings. She has started playing hide and seek which is pretty much the best thing ever. She also is getting really fast at puzzles. And of course, she loves to color so our house is littered with all of her latest creations (we need to start mailing art to family and friends--brilliant suggestions by Andi and Amber!). My sister, Kris, and I had been coloring a page from our secret garden coloring books. She suggested doing at least 10 minutes per day and I had done fairly well with that until the last few nights when I got swamped (so I'm using my 10 minutes to update the blog instead; you're welcome).
I'm also making serious progress on tidying up. I am taking photos to devote a blog post to eventually. I'm handling paper right now, which is completely evil and exhausts me.
I got another stitch fix box so that is a whole other post that needs to happen.
We can't believe that A is big enough to start her new class at school but she made the switch in January. It has been the easiest transition to date. She absolutely loves her new class (as well as the teachers) and we are so excited about it. We were nervous because she's in the same room as 4 and 5 year olds now but she loves seeing her old friends and making new friends, too!

Work: I went to Miami for a conference for clinical program directors. That was fun; just being near the ocean was amazing. The food was also delicious. And I came home armed with plenty of ideas for ways we can continue our awesome graduate program (along with some tweaks that might even make it better). In that time, A has also become a master at tugging my heartstrings by still reminding me (weeks later!) that she "missed mommy when Miami". Funny though, it took quite some time to get her to understand the city name as she kept insisting it was "Your-ami." Adorable.

We just finished our interview weekend and I am terrified I'm going to miss out on a student this year. I had several really good students and now I just have to hope that one of them will come. Cross your fingers for me.
Chad's work is going really well. He had a streak of bad days in January but that seems to have turned around and now he is selling a lot which in turn, makes him feel better more generally.

Goals: We finally opened A's 529 plan. We are meeting with a retirement specialist this week to up our individual contributions. Next month we will finalize our Will. My EC life planner has a space for "grateful thoughts" to consider throughout the week and I've been taking advantage of that. I've included things like Alaina, family, a safe place to live, but this week I am thanking trees. I am now really cognizant of the amount of trees we waste in this house! I need to get writing time back on my calendar ASAP. I'm reading books 6, 7, and 8 of the year (After You, Career of Evil, and Mama PhD). A friend asked me to write a "best of" list for 2015. I still need to get to that.

I think these were the major things. But I know all anyone really wanted was the photos. ;)