Maybe I should have clarified that it is a 100% chance of cuteness.

This week has had a lot of ups and downs. Monday was my birthday and we got a little bit of ice and snow so OSU was closed and I worked from home. Given the conditions of the road, Chad opted to stay home. We kept A home for the morning but ended up taking her to school so that she could get a sufficient nap. Before then, we made hot chocolate with marshmallows which she liked very much.

Like very, very much.
She sang me happy birthday, which was ridiculously cute.
For my birthday, I also went to a Cirque Zuma Zuma show. It was a lot of excitement! I think this was a smaller show than ones I've seen online but it was still pretty impressive.

I've mentioned grumpy bird before (her grumpy face still kills me!):

There was some little cold going around school. Baby A had a low grade fever on Thursday night. She has been coughing for about a week or so but on Thursday she got pretty congested and she's had a really runny nose. Last night she woke up complaining her ear hurt. We aren't sure if it's an infection, the sinus congestion, or if she got water in her ear during bath.

But she is still super cute.

We got more snow today which was fun, although it interrupted our plans to go to Yukon to see Kris.

I used my new birthday present, a one-touch tea maker. For brewing tea in the most expensive way possible. It was delicious, though.

Fancy sugar crystals:

We had lots of fun playing this weekend.