Dear sweet girl,
You are so exuberantly full of life. In the last 6 months, I've had at least a thousand instances where I thought my heart might burst with love and pride for you. This would be a good time to remind myself that life with you has gotten easier and more fun. You are such a good helper and you try really hard to listen and follow rules. Most days. I worry sometimes that I reinforce that a little too much. Lately you have become obsessed with mistakes and being wrong (crying "I was not right, mommy!"). These things make you cry and make you apologize more than is needed.
You are incredibly intuitive and emotionally sensitive to others. However, you really like to use this to your advantage sometimes. Sometimes you still say things like "mommy, do you miss when I was 3? Do you want me to be your baby forever? Will you love 5?" with a sly smile on your face. You get the same look on your face when Daddy calls you a Daddy's girl and you assert you are Momma's girl. You don't miss a thing and your memory is a steel trap.
You are incredibly intuitive and emotionally sensitive to others. However, you really like to use this to your advantage sometimes. Sometimes you still say things like "mommy, do you miss when I was 3? Do you want me to be your baby forever? Will you love 5?" with a sly smile on your face. You get the same look on your face when Daddy calls you a Daddy's girl and you assert you are Momma's girl. You don't miss a thing and your memory is a steel trap.
One of my favorite things is that you sing or hum all the time. In addition to songs you're learning at school (ear worms!) and Disney songs, you love the Beatles. Your favorites are Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, All you Need is Love, and Yellow Submarine. We think this is fun and we thank Netflix and Pandora for giving you such great taste. You love routines and to ask the same questions over and over, mostly these are things to repeat some sort of pattern like "what day is it? What comes after Wednesday? What comes after Thursday?..." and on. You love to count and write letters and draw pictures. Our house is full of papers that have long strings of words that don't make sense to us but are sentences to you.
You recently went through a phase at school where you would tell us that no one would play with you or that you didn't have any friends. We tried not to give this too much attention and talked about finding people to play with. As it turned out, your teachers assured us that you had many friends and briefly tracked who you played with during the day. Now you regularly come home telling us all of the things you played and who all played with you. This whole experience causes me dread that you will soon begin kindergarten ("big school"). I want to remain in denial.
We recently started you in ballet which you seem to like. This is a far cry from last September when you refused to do dance because you "don't like buns!" It seems like you are enjoying it, though we haven't been able to watch any of the classes. You are still in gymnastics and seem to be enjoying that. We did swimming over summer and you frequently still talk about how much you loved that.
You are not a home body. Your most frequent refrain on the weekend and in the evenings is that you "want to go somewhere." You aren't very particular about where we are going. You love going to the library and even have your own library card. Occasionally, we have spent all of Saturday morning out and about and, as we go home, you begin complaining you want to go someplace else. If I list all of the places we went, you will respond "that is not a lot. I want to go to one hundred thirty five places!"
You are still tiny and love to be carried. I'm glad because I'm not ready to give that up yet.
When told today that you were 4.5 you very sweetly replied "I am? Yay!" and then proceeded to talk all day about all the things you can do now that you are 4.5. I asked you what your favorite part of being 4 and a half and you said "going to school and telling my friends I'm 4.5!" Apparently that is exactly what you did all day today! Tonight, in celebration and as requested, we made brownie cupcakes with fluffy peanut butter frosting.
I love you so much, little one. We feel so fortunate that you are such a wonderful girl.
You recently went through a phase at school where you would tell us that no one would play with you or that you didn't have any friends. We tried not to give this too much attention and talked about finding people to play with. As it turned out, your teachers assured us that you had many friends and briefly tracked who you played with during the day. Now you regularly come home telling us all of the things you played and who all played with you. This whole experience causes me dread that you will soon begin kindergarten ("big school"). I want to remain in denial.
We recently started you in ballet which you seem to like. This is a far cry from last September when you refused to do dance because you "don't like buns!" It seems like you are enjoying it, though we haven't been able to watch any of the classes. You are still in gymnastics and seem to be enjoying that. We did swimming over summer and you frequently still talk about how much you loved that.
You are not a home body. Your most frequent refrain on the weekend and in the evenings is that you "want to go somewhere." You aren't very particular about where we are going. You love going to the library and even have your own library card. Occasionally, we have spent all of Saturday morning out and about and, as we go home, you begin complaining you want to go someplace else. If I list all of the places we went, you will respond "that is not a lot. I want to go to one hundred thirty five places!"
You are still tiny and love to be carried. I'm glad because I'm not ready to give that up yet.
When told today that you were 4.5 you very sweetly replied "I am? Yay!" and then proceeded to talk all day about all the things you can do now that you are 4.5. I asked you what your favorite part of being 4 and a half and you said "going to school and telling my friends I'm 4.5!" Apparently that is exactly what you did all day today! Tonight, in celebration and as requested, we made brownie cupcakes with fluffy peanut butter frosting.
I love you so much, little one. We feel so fortunate that you are such a wonderful girl.