Friday, September 14, 2012

Sick day

So I mentioned in the last post that Alaina had a bit of a cold. Thursday night her coughing was much worse but she mostly slept through it (Chad and I not so much...). I got up a couple of times because I worried she was getting strangled on spit up. But she seemed fine.

Friday morning I nursed her for about 15 minutes and suddenly she just spit up all over us. Four times within a few seconds. I was soaked and so was she (so was the boppy pillow and the glider). But once we got her changed she seemed just fine. She was laughing and playing. I fed her for another minute or two and she seemed okay. But a few minutes later when I laid her down, she did the same thing again. She had a couple of times where her face turned red and she almost seemed to have dry heaves. But otherwise, just a happy little girl. Of course her doctor's office wasn't open yet. I called the daycare and they recommended keeping her home. Apparently there was a stomach bug going around though none of the infants had gotten it. Once the pediatrician was in, I went ahead and made an appointment. In the interim, she just slept while I worried unnecessarily. And she got lots of cuddles and holding. Sorry, daycare folks.

Of course by the time we made it to the doctor's office she was totally fine. The doctor was glad to see her though since she said that long of a cold can sometimes lead to ear infections. However, her ears were clear. The pediatrician said Alaina's tummy was probably just upset from all the increased drainage from her cold. She said to give her saline nasal spray and pedialyte. Of course Alaina hates both. Since she was feeling better, I brought her with me to work for an afternoon meeting. She was so good. :)

We haven't had any more vomiting episodes and she mostly seems better. However she has refused several bottles. But she's having enough wet diapers and she seems to have good energy. One of her eyes has been pretty yucky though.

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