We had a nice, laid-back Mother's day weekend. Chad got me a sweet card and a lovely "sweet pea" necklace and Alaina gave me lots of cuddles and love (of course some of those cuddles were at 2 am on Sunday morning...).
Saturday we spent the morning at the farmer's market and running errands. She liked playing on the weird swing. It made her super tired.
Then we went to OSU's botanical gardens. Alaina thought she was hot stuff with her sun glasses and hat.
When she isn't outside, she really enjoys looking out the door and windows. She likes hiding behind the curtains and watching. Silly girl.

I am loving her adorable curls. They are in two layers. The top of her hair is actually starting to get really long.
And hi to Jasper. :)
This picture made me laugh. My immediate thought was "somebody didn't read the 'do not operate heavy machinery' label on their medicine this morning..." Chad wasn't that amused.
In general, Alaina is such a funny girl. I'm sure everyone thinks that about their babies. She's hilarious, though. She loves to be chased and she is very patient at waiting behind corners to giggle when you come get her. Tonight we were laughing because Chad asked her to give him kisses (one of her newest things) and she just shook her head and laughed. When I picked her up, she gave me kisses and smiled at him. Such a trickster (for the record, she did end up giving him a kiss after that). My favorite moment of the week happened this morning when I went to wipe her nose with a kleenex. As soon as I got the tissue to her nose, she blew puffs of air out of her mouth, simulating the sound of blowing your nose. She practiced wiping my nose (with a new tissue) and thought that was really funny. This made her nose cleaning routine much easier since she thought it was pretty fun. Chad and I groaned a little saying she definitely has picked up on nose-blowing because of all of our allergies this spring (fyi, I still cannot hear out of my right ear)!
I couldn't snap the above picture fast enough but she had taken out her boppy pillow and wrapped it around her waist and was doing a hilarious bounce-crawl. And yes, she put the dog's ball in her mouth. We immediately take it away but of course, that makes it more appealing to her...I figure that is her way of getting Jasper back for eating the ears/tails off of several of her Noah's ark animals...
We have been getting a kick out of her latest "bear crawl". I caught a few seconds of it on video. Blogger is being *very* difficult to add video though for some reason. I am not sure why it let me embed a video earlier but won't now. Hopefully you can just click the link.
I am a little sad that she is leaving the infant classroom because we really love her teachers. But hopefully she has a smooth transition. She loves to play and she loves being outside so hopefully that helps. Her new teacher seems nice.
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