I've had lots of time to cuddle my sweet girl this last week or so. Between cutting 5 new teeth (teething seems to take an eternity) and allergies/cold (with a worse than usual cough), our good little sleeper has been waking up most every night lately. But she's so cuddly and sweet that I almost don't even mind feeling like a zombie during the day.

Seriously. This laugh is ridiculous. I don't think anyone could be grumpy after hearing her. Instant mood brightener. It's truly hard for me to imagine a sweeter, funnier little girl.
Last weekend we went to Zio's with cousin Avery. The service was terrible and the food was mediocre but the company was wonderful. :)
Avery loves her baby Waina.
Silliness runs in the family.
In addition to being silly, Alaina is starting to show just how much she's learning all the time. She isn't using a tremendous amount of expressive language (she has approximately 22 recognizable words) but her receptive skills are really developing! Last week Chad had her in the nursery while I finished making dinner. He sat in the glider and asked her to bring him a Mirabelle book (cutest books ever). He wasn't terribly surprised when she brought him her favorite, Mirabelle and the butterfly. But then she turned around and retrieved Mirabelle and the bouncy red ball and Mirabelle goes for a walk. So he asked her to bring You are my cupcake, which she did. He named five books and she got them all on the first try. I did a similar thing this weekend with her Little People animals. She loves the goat.
She also knows some body parts (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly) and is great at following simple instructions. What has been crazy for us is realizing she sometimes picks up this stuff after only hearing it once! This is all appropriate and expected milestones but it somehow still floors us. I am often finding myself thinking "wow. She can do that?!?"
She also knows some body parts (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly) and is great at following simple instructions. What has been crazy for us is realizing she sometimes picks up this stuff after only hearing it once! This is all appropriate and expected milestones but it somehow still floors us. I am often finding myself thinking "wow. She can do that?!?"
In other growing up news, on Sunday, baby girl snuck into the guest room and snatched a pillow. I promptly ordered her a toddler pillow on Amazon though I'm not sure if I will actually give it to her yet. She started using a pillow at school last month due to her congestion. We just haven't introduced it yet at home.
Alaina isn't the only one who likes this set-up.
And finally, these are just 2 cute videos of her showing off her mad dance moves.
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