Saturday, December 28, 2013

Shelter Me

In case I don't mention it enough, we live in tornado alley. Our biggest Christmas gift this year was installing a storm shelter.

Back in 2011, we found out that the city of Stillwater was applying for a FEMA grant to help homeowners purchase storm shelters. We immediately signed up but then didn't hear anything about it until recently. The grant covers 75% (up to $2,000) of a professionally installed shelter. Ours was completed today and I couldn't be happier. It still ended up costing $800 but we consider this a wise investment and know that we will sleep more soundly at night.

As you can see, the shelter was installed in our garage. The process lasted approximately 3 hours and was relatively painless on our part.

I plan to put a couple of waterproof boxes in there with our tornado preparations (with some additional items like glow sticks, flashlights, batteries, towels, and a weather radio). Each spring, we will inventory what needs to be discarded and replaced. We thought our friends and family outside the state might be interested in the whole process so Chad took a few photos and videos. We have to wait 7 days for everything to dry/set, otherwise we would take pictures inside for you to see. The shelter we got "seats 7" though really I can't imagine hunkering down there with that many people. I think it will feel tight with me, Chad, A, and the puppies. And that's okay. Our hope is that we never really need to test it out. It'd still be the best $800 we ever spent. :)

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