We started off the week with more snow. I also took A in to the doctor on Monday because she hadn't been eating or sleeping well in the last few days. She had a low grade fever during the weekend (that randomly got up to about 102 on Saturday evening after being normal all day and was 97.9 on Sunday morning). We were afraid she might have an ear infection so we thought taking her in would be a good idea. Her temperature was perfectly normal and her lymph nodes weren't swollen. The pediatrician couldn't see her ear drums because they were occluded by her ear tubes, which had shifted. The ear pain she described Saturday night may have been due to infection that couldn't be seen or it could have been caused by the ear tube shifting.
She mostly enjoyed visiting the doctor but she did not like the flu swab. For a few days, she kept talking about how the "doctor hurt my nose." The flu test was negative, fortunately. Given her symptoms, we started her on amoxicillin and we immediately noticed a difference in her behavior, appetite, and sleep.

I got a super exciting birthday present from my friend, Lauren.

We got even more snow this weekend. It did not amount to much but you would think it was snowmaggedon based on the meteorologists (and the crummy road conditions, seriously).

So Saturday we had fun making muffins and playing in the snow.

We wore lots of layers.

This snow seemed really dry and wasn't great for building a snowman.

She's so funny, once we got inside and changed clothes, she laid on the carpet and said "I make a snow angel inside, Mommy." Smart kiddo.

Chad and I are wondering if anyone can take a guess what song she is singing. He got it wrong. :)
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