Thursday, April 12, 2018
Letter to Smudge: Sweet Six
Oh sweet girl. You are SIX. How did that happen? I think in my head you will always be three.
Five was full of wonder. You love telling (or attempting to tell) jokes, storytelling, doing science experiments, creating all types of art, and laughing. You are always laughing and love to make us laugh. You recently discovered podcasts and are obsessed with "Circle Round". You have an opinion about absolutely everything (sometimes your opinion is biting and judgmental!). You continue to be somewhat perfectionistic when it comes to drawing, spelling, and coloring. This leads to meltdowns colossal in scope. I asked you your favorite things about being five and you said "being cute" and "Disney".
You currently are enrolled in tap. Your outfit is so stinking cute that I can barely stand it. We are looking forward to your recital next month. You decided to stop gymnastics last semester after a few bad experiences that led you to refuse to even get dressed to go to class. Like so many things, I truly questioned the 'right' parenting decision (when will I learn that this 'right' is as elusive and mythical as the unicorns you currently love so much?). I do not want to reinforcing quitting things but you were also so little and not on a team. Ultimately, I think it was the right call. You are considering a different class this summer (though you have explicitly demanded that we do not do swim again; you say ever). You would have loved to do running club but it was at a day/time I could not make work. Maybe next year.
School has been an interesting experience. You are in such a warm and loving environment and you seem really happy with both the school and the after school program. We have been genuinely impressed with the staff and many teachers. Your experience is a bit unique as you had substitute teachers from December through mid-March while your teacher was on maternity leave with her sweet new baby boy. Additionally, you missed 3.5 days in February for ice and weather followed directly by our Disney trip. You went back for a week before spring break and then were back for a week prior to the teacher walk out (currently ending Week 2 of no school). You seem to be learning things, though. You went from knowing only a handful of sight words to knowing scads of them. You are still working on reading books and sounding out unfamiliar words but I know you'll get there. You also love to do math, always asking us to "do pluses" or "do minuses" with you. We walk a fine line as you often get frustrated when the equations are too easy and upset if we ask something you feel is too difficult.
You've done so much over the last year. In addition to starting kindergarten and all that entails, you went on trips to Disney and back to Kentucky. Disney was one of those trips that you remember more fondly than might be a reality because I think both of us are ready to go back soon.
This year you have struggled a bit with your size, given that a number of the pre-k students and most of your kindergarten class are taller than you (fortunately you have only asked about switching out of your car seat once; I'm still not ready to move you). However, everyone thinks that you have shot up and had a growth spurt. It's true. You grew about 2.5 inches over the last year. Wow! You also gained about 6 pounds. This is squarely in line with averages listed on medical sites for annual growth. Yay for staying within statistical averages! You also frequently ask why you "haven't lost a tooth" given that many of your friends are losing teeth left and right. I'm totally fine with the tooth fairy avoiding our house for a little longer.
I am so thankful that you still love to give hugs and kisses. Your cuddles are the best. I am happy that you are still small enough that I can cart you around because your hugs are my favorite. This year, you have also discovered the joy of back scratches. You look up with total wonder and, without fail, say "how do you always know where it itches?" It's adorable.
You continue to grow in independence, especially in terms of playing alone. You still have a lot of things that you want someone to be with you--though that sees to mostly be because you get bored when you're alone. As you get older, I am hopeful that you will continue to grow in generosity, altruism, and empathy. Like many five/six year olds, you are pretty self-centered.
My absolute favorite time with you these days is in the evening at bedtime. I have been laying with you on your big girl bed for 5-10 minutes before you sleep. During this time, you like to relay your dreams, the best part of your day, your fears, and your favorites. I also get extra cuddles during this time and that is truly the best.
Finally, I am just absolutely thankful for you. Although the days are long and hard, and often no fun, you truly are a joy. I am hopeful that six is full of amazing.
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