Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Raspberries and belly laughs

I wanted to post a few new videos of Alaina's most recent activities but the time always slips away from me. She is doing great. Tomorrow I will take her back for her 3-month developmental check with Healthy Steps. She is definitely on track but it's nice to get the confirmation (and the free book!).

In feeding news (because this wouldn't be Smudge's blog without some mention of food, right?), we are pretty sure we're about to switch her to the hypoallergenic formula and I'll eliminate most soy from my diet. She has been doing pretty well with things (no blood in her diapers that we can see and she's always so pleasant and happy and doesn't spit up very much) but her skin has been yucky. In the middle of June, I noticed some tiny bumps on her chest and tummy that looked like an allergic reaction or dermatitis so we switched her from Tide Free & Clear detergent to Dreft and from Johnson & Johnson bath soap and Mustela lotion to Aveeno. The bumps mostly went away but her skin felt like sand paper! It's still really, really dry and has spread a bit to her shoulders and the tops of her legs despite me putting lotion on at almost every diaper change. Her aunt Amber just visited and agreed she felt a little like a baby dragon. :)
Alaina also has a tell-tale allergy "red ring" (google it if you're interested) that is typically a sign of food sensitivity. Chad is going to call our insurance to see if they will cover any of the cost of the formula and I'll eliminate most soy in my diet and also probably switch from almond milk to rice milk (though I have less than two-thirds of a cup with my oatmeal). We've actually reduced her bottles from about 6-8/day (20-24 ounces) to 4-6/day (10-16 ounces) and of that, 1-2 bottles are pumped milk. The idea is that this would also help her milk transfer, increase my supply, and save a bit of money on formula.

Along these lines, I'm pretty proud that I hit 12 weeks of nursing (3 months on Thursday). My next mini-goal (assuming all goes well with the formula switching) is to make it to September 1. It wasn't that long ago that making it to 12 weeks seemed insurmountable and funny enough, September feels just around the corner and 6 months isn't far behind that. Things have gotten easier. I have decided to donate my freezer stash (since it is from when I was eating dairy in April and May). A family is adopting a baby and they don't want to give him formula (ironic, considering) so they are going to drive 2 hours to Stillwater to pick it up. I am glad I don't have to throw it away but I won't be entirely surprised if I get a little teary giving it away! It's only about 80 ounces but it took so much work to get!

That said, I am definitely in a better place with our decision to continue with supplementing/nursing/pumping. I am very thankful that formula exists and know without the slightest of doubts that the most important thing is to "feed the baby." That said, I still have little annoying creeping moments of shame or guilt when I whip out a bottle at a restaurant or at work (funny because I know women who breastfeed also struggle with nursing in public and concerns about being judged for their decision!) or when well-meaning people ask if Alaina is breastfed. Thankfully these moments are becoming fewer and further apart. However, a friend sent me a blog (The Fearless Formula Feeder) which has really been helpful in seeing all of these amazing and educated women who have chosen formula. All of my friends and family have been incredibly supportive but sometimes it's just nice to see other smart people had a similar experience. 

Anyhow, the other part is that I truly am getting to enjoy Alaina so much more now that I'm letting go of the stress associated with feeding. And that's what it's really all about. Her new things are blowing raspberries and giving belly laughs. Both tend to be unexpected so they are hard to catch on camera!

Here she is enjoying her little play mat (10 weeks). You can see her sucking in her lower lip. Chad thinks it's hilarious when she does that.

Here is a little mini-raspberry session taken last week (11 weeks). Like I said, they are hard to catch on camera!

 Here she is laughing at Chad (11 weeks):

And here you can see what we wake up to (most) mornings. She is a morning baby!

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