Friday, December 21, 2012

Countdown to Christmas!

We are gearing up for Alaina's first Christmas. It's an exciting and magical time. Of course we are very disappointed that we are not able to travel to visit family and friends this year. Hopefully next year! However, I'm excited that my dad is coming tomorrow for a few days and then my mom will be visiting soon. I'm really proud of us for not overspending this year, knowing that Alaina will have more fun with wrapping paper and boxes than the actual toys. However, we did get her a few fun things and of course she has gotten presents and money from family as well. We are hoping we can take her to see Santa this weekend. Of course we will take pictures!

This week Alaina's school has also hosted several festivities for the holidays. Every day this week I've dressed her in different Christmas or winter outfits. Yesterday was pajama day so she got to wear the adorable red/white striped reindeer pajamas. Today is red or green day so she is wearing her "first Christmas" outfit.

She is definitely starting to look more like her daddy. It is so funny to me how some people swears she looks just like me, others think she looks just like Chad, and some think she looks like a mix. What do you think?

I am fairly behind in all aspects of life, as usual. We ran into a few delays in getting cards made so we will be sending out New Years cards this year. Once they get here, that is. So yea, late on everything. My favorite purchase this year is Alaina's "baby's first ornament" that I got on Etsy. Seriously, how cute is this? (this reminds me I should post photos from her newborn and 6 month shoots in a later post)

At school, Alaina made her first ornament. I never thought I would like this sort of thing but it is hanging proudly on our tree!

We really love Alaina's teachers at school so we wanted to do a little something for them for Christmas. Given that she has seven teachers in her class, we weren't able to do anything big. Instead I just got them all some fun socks (they mostly don't wear shoes in the class, just fun socks, slippers, etc.), pocket antibacterial gel and tissues, and Lindt truffles. I wrapped them up to make these fun little packages.

In other news, Alaina's "spots" came back last week. They spread up to her face this time. Her school wanted to make sure this was nothing contagious so I did take her in to see a pediatrician at our clinic. He said they weren't contagious but unfortunately, he couldn't specify what it is/what is causing it. We are fairly confident it wasn't a virus. She never had a fever and seemed to be acting fine. He didn't think it was food or medication allergies. He said it was possible it was the start of eczema but thinks it's just sensitive skin. I definitely do not think it is just sensitive skin. I've never seen sensitive skin systemically spread like this. So who knows.

Our sweet little girl has been grumpier at night lately. I think her schedule is just off at day care. She may also be going through some phase--she has been harder to put to sleep (lots of screaming, flailing, arched back) the last few nights. However, she still LOVES bath time! Lately she has been enjoying rocking back and forth getting the water to make little waves she can splash. 

As a disclaimer, I will note that we always begin bath time with just a couple of inches of water. This is at the end of her bath, after she has been rinsed with several cupfuls of water. Chad and I give baths together so she had plenty of adult supervision while taking pictures and videos.

In general, I have just spent a tremendous amount of time this week being thankful. As we all are, I am still trying to process the horrific tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut last week. Whenever I get frustrated that Alaina isn't sleeping, wakes up at 3 am, or is grumpy, I just remember how lucky we are. I know without a doubt that there are parents who would give anything to have their baby back, even if it meant not sleeping at all one night. I do not want to ever take her for granted. We are just so incredibly lucky. I cry every time I think about it. So, whenever I can, I just hold her tight and enjoy her snuggles. I hope she is this cuddly forever.

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