I wanted to take a few pictures of Alaina noticing the tree. She really just wants the ornaments. Even though she isn't mobile, she has a knack for getting things you might think are out of her reach. Baby proofing our house should be high on the to-do list!

We had a really nice weekend. Alaina was in a great mood so Saturday we took advantage of that and did a little shopping. She needed some clothes and I needed a new jacket. We also had to pick up gifts for Chad's work Christmas party on Friday. She did such a great job! Maybe she likes shopping? This is probably my favorite new picture of her. She is so cute!
She is definitely getting too big for the rock and play. We have started putting her in the crib for naps. So far so good!
It's hard to believe that she is almost 8 months old. She is still very content to just hang out in our laps or play on the floor or couch. She has no desire to crawl. She clearly has the strength for it. Just no motivation.
She would much rather just play.
I am okay with this. I really like just cuddling with her and I know once she figures out how to move, she's one "step" closer to no longer being our itty bitty baby.
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