Monday, June 17, 2013

Just my imagination

At first I thought it was a fluke. But it turns out that Alaina is already developing her little imagination, creativity, and imitation. When she comes home from school, I enter all of her information into the Baby Connect app (I know, it's crazy that I'm still tracking these things...!). A few weeks ago, Alaina started taking my cell phone and the paper they send home and she sits down and "studies" the paper and then taps on my phone. It's adorable. She also 'pretends' to talk/babble on the phone. We really have no idea where she would have picked this up because we are never, ever on the phone for voice calls (yea, sorry about that; it makes me a less than stellar friend or family member, I know...). Anytime I have taken a call, it is generally on speaker so that my hands are free. That was a habit I developed from the pregnancy-related carpal tunnel syndrome. So perhaps she has seen the other kids do it at school? Either way, it's pretty hilarious.

I messed up the phone camera so the first video is only a couple of seconds long. I couldn't get a good video after that. However, in the one below, you can see that she does it with a lot of items.

Tonight we also caught her pretending to put lotion (/sunscreen) on. A girl needs to stay moisturized!

She is so funny. She still isn't walking consistently but that doesn't stop her from getting into things. :) Her current favorite is the dogs' water bowl.

Her eating is still hit or miss. As I hear often happens, she actually eats great at school. Like, it's to the point that they comment on it when we pick her up in the afternoons (Alaina sure loves food! Alaina went completely crazy about watermelon!! Yea, yea, she comes by her love of food honestly!). At home though, sometimes she refuses to eat most anything and other times we feel like we are just throwing food at her and she gets it eaten before we have turned around! This is especially the case with most any fruit and with macaroni & cheese. She is so her mother's daughter.

Her table manners still need a bit of work, though.

Clearly she is also still working on her judgy face. Must continue to practice being nonjudgmental (but don't judge her judging!).

Poor little thing wasn't feeling well this afternoon. She had a low fever and just wanted me to hold her/cuddle all day. I totally loved the extra snuggles, especially since I will be gone to a conference Thursday-Sunday. But I hate that she isn't feeling well again. Her first top tooth is breaking through right now so I hope that is all that is going on. She really needs a couple of weeks to just be fully healthy!

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