Friday, July 26, 2013

I saw the sign

So yea, that's a cheesy way of me combining the two topics of this post--baby signing and pink eye...also, you're welcome for getting Ace of Base stuck in your head all day...

Alaina is doing really well with communicating. She is picking up a few new word approximations. The most recent are "wawa" for water, "baa" for bath, and "baba" for bottle. She has also said something like book and outside. In terms of signs, I have been wanting to get her on video signing 'please' because I think it's the cutest thing ever. Her version of 'more' is more like a slow-clap. haha. She will also sign eat, water, and all done. Ignore my annoying mommy voice!

On Tuesday I got a call from Alaina's school that she had pink eye. This was again a nice reminder of the plight of the working parent as I was actually preparing for a meeting with the associate dean of our college when they initially called. I was able to make my meeting but had to then go pick her up and take her to the walk-in clinic to get a prescription for eye drops. She did really well and everyone thought she was adorable. Even with her pink eye.

I had to cancel all my Wednesday afternoon meetings. Instead that time was spent in the car, waiting for her to wake up from a nap...

I can't remember why she was mad here but she's still adorable when she's annoyed.

Pink eye also meant I had to stay home with her Thursday. I'm getting better at being able to shake the feelings of loss of productivity on those days but it's definitely a process. We did have a pretty fun day, though the late morning was a little rough. She loves her routine so not going to school in the middle of the week always throws her off. I am hopeful though that being out so much this week is actually a blessing in disguise. Hand foot and mouth disease is currently making the rounds in the toddler classroom so I am hoping she missed it.

Due to the pink eye, I spent lots of time sanitizing her toys and bedding on Wednesday. I removed most of her toys and books (and all stuffed animals) so that I could keep better track of what she was touching to try to limit mine and Chad's exposure. She didn't seem to mind.

I even turned the tv on for a bit and we were lucky that we caught the tail end (no pun intended) of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, just in time for the Hot Dog Song. Who knew this kid could dance?

Anyhow, she's back at school today so I am back to work. I thought I'd just take a few minutes during lunch to update.

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