Don't let the cuddling fool you.
There is so much silliness.
There is lots of running and dragging of things.

Sometimes there is crying on the floor. (Okay, honestly the only reason I posted this picture is because it's the first one I have taken where you can see Alaina's top teeth!)

There is modeling of funny bows. Madeline photo bomb! (she is doing much better, by the way)

There is judgment. So much judgment.

There is eating crackers.

There is always laughter (everyone who meets her says she has the very best baby laugh. We agree!).
There are kisses.
And just general silliness.
There is a lot of play time.

And fortunately now, Alaina loves to clean. We are trying to capitalize on that. So there is a lot of cleaning (and screaming. Girls apparently love to scream).
But cleaning gets old (trust me, I understand!)
There is lots of time to play with the dogs. (she is just soooo pretty. Sometimes I have to say it.)
And model new shoes (that don't quite fit...). This video is awful and makes Chad and I crack up every single time. If you only watch one, it should be this one. If you want to laugh and feel like you're a terrible person, that is.
And go outside.
And learn culinary skills from the master (daddy). Mmmm, Miss Fancy Pants like fetuccinne bolognese.
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