We went to OKC and ate at BJ's Brewhouse and went shopping at the outlet mall. Baby A was the only one who enjoyed her meal.
Monday we went back to Tulsa for her pulmonology follow up. He said A sounds really good. Her cough had disappeared for about 2 weeks but it has come back just a bit in the last week. He said once it clears again that he recommends stopping Zyrtec (but continue FloVent) since her allergy testing revealed no environmental allergens. This makes me a little nervous but we will give it a try in a couple of weeks...
We stopped at Camille's Sidewalk Cafe for a quick lunch. It was yummy! I got a ham and cheddar sandwich on a pretzel bun and A got a banana wrap with fruit. Chad didn't like his wrap but said he'd be willing to try it again.
Life is busy as usual. I have a grant due next week on the same day my student has his dissertation proposal and I should hear if a grant I submitted in October was reviewed/scored. Things are also picking up in terms of coordinating practicum experiences for our students, too. Right as we prepare for a site visit from APA (the accreditation agency for our program). And of course we are all still trying to adjust to Chad's new schedule, with mixed results. Whew. When it rains...! But it has been gorgeous out. We feel for our family and friends who are still digging out of the snow. I hope spring is on its way!
This week I thought I'd do fun crafts/activities with A while Chad was at work. It turned out that instead I just did things that would make any toddler miserable.
Like making a candy treat for my Thursday class but not letting her eat *all* of them.
Or getting together bubbles for her Valentine's day party but not blowing them all night.
A fun part of holidays for me has been dressing her. I'm kind of kicking myself that I don't take daily pictures of what she wears to school because I generally have made-up themes in my head around major holidays, etc. So since February 1, every school day, I put A in something with hearts or love. It's silly and people don't really notice unless I've pointed it out (I've also randomly done stripes week or polka dot week) but it also helps me figure out how to get her in all the various outfits she has. :)
We went to consumers this morning to get frosted sugar cookies (so so good) for her class party.
Her party was very sweet. I took her back to my office afterward. She was happy for the cookie (!!).
Once we got home, we made Chad a big valentine poster.
I figured it was time I checked in, especially since my last few actual posts had been a little glum.
Baby A has been healthy and, with the exception of one day (when I vacuumed with her in the same room), her cough has been completely gone. We are doing Flovent and 5mL of Zyrtec. I also started her on a vitamin and a probiotic. And today will be warm and beautiful so we all are happy about that.
We have so much fun playing.
Princess & the Frog
The importance of hydration
I hadn't mentioned that Chad started a new job. It is in OKC so that has brought new challenges. His current schedule is such that during the week (M-F), he leaves at 8am and gets home after 8pm. This will change in about three weeks. Then he will be home two days a week but will work on Saturdays and Sundays. So that's a bummer but we are thankful he has a job (& he is really liking it) and we know we will get adjusted. This is week 3 and A and I are falling into a routine. I work from 8:30-5:20 and then pick her up from school. We get settled in, clean up, make dinner, etc. Chad comes home and we hang out a bit, Chad & I eat dinner, and then we get her ready for bed. Bedtime has been the biggest adjustment. By then, it's after 9 and A is cranky and overtired. So we probably have to change this but Chad really doesn't want to miss seeing her at night since he already is losing so much time. It doesn't help that she is cutting her first canine which looks so painful! :(
Mini cucumbers don't taste the same as English cucumbers
We have had to make a lot of adjustments like hiring a dog walker twice a week and getting together (& interviewing) a list of back up babysitters. Another challenge has been getting her to school on time for breakfast. I still don't have this down so I made some toddler muffins on Sunday that I froze for those days (every day?) that we are rushing out the door. She loves them. Chad also liked them though he reported they were bland and needed more sweetness. They were super easy and have fruit and veggies (banana, applesauce, carrots, squash) in them. I also have some more breakfast cookie recipes I'd like to try for her.
My work is going really well. It has been crazy busy and I'm getting even less sleep (I try to work after she's in bed from about 10:30-1) but I hope that once this grant is submitted, things will slow down a little (& I'm trying--very unsuccessfully--to ignore the nagging voice that is convincing me to submit another in March...). I will admit I'm pretty impressed with myself these days. Not that I'm doing anything spectacular; just that we are getting the balance down, had the house in better shape than it's been in in months (don't be too impressed; it was a disaster!), and somehow cooked actual meals every M-Th night the last 3 weeks and I'm being productive at work. It may not sound like much to others but it has been monumental for me! Having a sweet and healthy kiddo has certainly helped. We even had time for some crafts and such. I'll have to update you guys on that in the valentines day post. :)
One of the most frequent compliments we receive about Alaina is that she has the best laugh (and the sweetest smile). We agree. I hope she always has (& brings!!) this much joy.