Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week of firsts

This week had some ups and downs but definitely included a couple of "firsts" for Miss A.

On Monday night, A's cough was pretty consistent and relentless. We used her asthma action plan and pulled out all our tricks (albuterol, honey, zarbees, vicks vapor rub on her feet and chest, humidifier, elevating her mattress, doterra breathe essential oil, vicks plug in) to no avail. Her pulmonologist had asked us to call if it got to that point, so I did and the physician on call said she needed a steroid to stop the coughing. Unfortunately we live in a town that apparently has no 24-hour pharmacy (I can get deodorant or a step ladder at 3 am but heaven forbid I actually need medication). He left a message at the pharmacy but all we could really do was wait it out and hope she would fall asleep and the coughing would subside. Unfortunately that didn't happen and she was still coughing in the middle of the night. Around 3 am, she woke herself back up and when I picked her up, she was having difficulty catching her breath between coughs. Chad called and talked with the ER nurse who said we should bring her in for the oral steroid.

We are so fortunate she's such a compliant little patient. She mostly just laid on my chest while they did their examination. Her lungs sounded good and the doctor confirmed that she wasn't wheezing (of course, on the drive over, she fell asleep and completely stopped coughing; likely due to sitting up right and also just because that is how it always goes). The nurse was super impressed when A took the oral medication without the tiniest of fusses. However, she was completely unsurprised that A spit it all back up. Apparently that medication is poorly tolerated. So they gave her zofran (typically used for nausea) and another steroid typically administered IV for croup. She tolerated that well and they sent us on our merry way with nearly a dozen stickers.

She has been doing great since. We slept late on Tuesday. Chad ended up calling into work and I missed my morning appointments. We took A into school and she had a good, albeit clingy day. Poor thing had to be tired. We all were. 

The more fun update is that we took A to get her first hair cut.

We first went to get doughnuts (she snagged the "dirt and worms" Oreo & gummy worm doughnut).

I was really surprised how well she did getting a hair cut. She seemed to like being pampered and even allowed the stylist to do a blow out.

You can see it was only a little trim, trying to even things out and get her bangs to grow out.

Otherwise, things have been going well. We were going to go to A's first Super Bowl party tonight but given the week we had, it just seemed smarter to lay low. Her cough and runny nose had come back as well and while I know it's just her asthma and allergies, it didn't seem right exposing her to other little kids, just in case. She did enjoy watching a little bit of football and dancing to the half-time show. I got a bit of housekeeping done around the house but am hoping to get back to organizing this week. We will see.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Thankful to be home

I haven't mentioned much about the Kind Spring challenge I'm participating in but today's seemed worth mentioning. Today's challenge was to "List 10 things you are grateful for."

"Research shows that individuals who regularly take the time to practice gratitude experience more positive emotions, sleep better, and express more compassion and kindness towards others. The simple act of writing down what we are grateful for is a powerful way to practice acceptance and honor life's blessings. "

I've done the gratitude posts in the past and as always, I am thankful for my family and friends and that I have such a good life (I still fight the urge to say blessed here).

1. My immediate family

2. My extended family and getting to live near my niece 

3. Getting to go to cool places through work. Albuquerque was really beautiful and the sun was so bright. 

4. Having really amazing colleagues. I've said a lot in the past about my current department and how happy I am in my program. However, I have really great colleagues, mentors, and friends around the country. Going to conferences gives me a chance to catch up with some of them and hear the amazing things they are doing. It also gives me a opportunity to hear their advice on various research and career decisions.  

5. Our house and being somewhere safe, with a short commute, and being close to A's awesome school. I am very happy to be back home and really enjoyed my day with A.

6. That things are calming enough that I'm cooking again. My favorite new recipe is creamy chicken and wild rice soup (as I've said before but seriously, everyone should make it. This week. You can use rotisserie or poached chicken. The lemon is not optional. I add mushrooms.). 

7. Beautiful skies and warm January weather

8. E-library. Have I mentioned this one enough? This week I downloaded an audiobook to listen to back/forth from the airport. I checked out an audiobook from my phone. Downloaded for free. From my public library. Months later and I'm still amazed by this.

9. Good students

10. Weekends. It has taken me awhile to be thankful for weekends again but this morning I sat quietly coloring with A while she prattled on about random things and was quite thankful.

The first video reminds me of something you would see on America's Funniest Home Videos. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January week 2

I am really trying to stay with consistent updates but now that Christmas is over, I'm struggling without themes. Haha. 

This week focused less on the January Cure and more on survival, having fun, and packing for my work trip (I leave today for ABQ). I did clean out the drawers in our laundry room but I think that may have been my only organizational success this week.

We had Christmas with the Lawsons, which was a lot of fun. 

We played. 

Though she is getting particular about when you can document her fun. I do love her mad face.

We had lots of snuggles. 

And A tried to convince me to take her with me. Until she heard she was going to see Aunt Kris on Saturday. Then she was fine with me leaving. 

A is also having good success with potty learning this week but I will spare y'all the details other than to say that she seems ready and that despite it being not bad so far, I despise it. I'm trying to see it as continued exposure to messes and imperfection. Fortunately, her teachers at school are amazing and she is really mostly learning there.