I am really trying to stay with consistent updates but now that Christmas is over, I'm struggling without themes. Haha.
This week focused less on the January Cure and more on survival, having fun, and packing for my work trip (I leave today for ABQ). I did clean out the drawers in our laundry room but I think that may have been my only organizational success this week.

We had Christmas with the Lawsons, which was a lot of fun.

We played.

Though she is getting particular about when you can document her fun. I do love her mad face.

We had lots of snuggles.
And A tried to convince me to take her with me. Until she heard she was going to see Aunt Kris on Saturday. Then she was fine with me leaving.
A is also having good success with potty learning this week but I will spare y'all the details other than to say that she seems ready and that despite it being not bad so far, I despise it. I'm trying to see it as continued exposure to messes and imperfection. Fortunately, her teachers at school are amazing and she is really mostly learning there.
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