Neither were painful, fortunately. :)
I had a trip last week to Boston for a research conference. I got to stay in a swanky hotel--seriously, there was a pillow menu, a directory of shampoo and lotion and the entire building smelled of white tea and thyme. It was lovely. I also got to see wonderful friends from graduate school, got to watch two Kentucky games in real time, enjoyed hearing recent research and clinical presentations, and gave a talk that seemed pretty well-received. In this fancy theater--
The weather was rainy on Thursday and Friday and it snowed on Saturday but Sunday was nice enough to get to walk around a bit.

Fortunately my sister and the school send awesome photos and videos to keep me happy while I'm away.

On Tuesday, I finally got A in for her first dental appointment. She did a great job overall. She has been really sensitive to loud noises (we are wondering if it is related to her tubes shifting/coming out) and so she really didn't like the electronic toothbrush ("it's too loud in my ear!") but otherwise thought it was a lot of fun.

We went out for breakfast to celebrate.

Today we enjoyed the beautiful weather outside and took some time to clean up the front flower bed which already had weeds threatening to take over.

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