I laughed today when I saw the original picture of A with Santa. We didn't make it to see Santa in 2013 and last year she refused to even be near Santa. We got some good pictures this year though she definitely has an ambivalent relationship with him.

Tonight, A opened Twas The Night Before Christmas, from Nana and Chad and I took turns reading it to her.

We also baked some nondescript cookies for Santa and A spent some time watching Santa on the Google Santa Tracker (so cute!).

This also seemed like a good place to post evidence from A's toils over the last week. Every day she places one or more drawings, coloring pages, etc. under the Christmas tree. I have no idea where it came from but we have quite a collection as you can see (they literally are all over though).

The week before Christmas is so magical and really makes me try to see life through A's eyes. Like last year, it's nice to have some quiet time late at night to really take it all in.

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