A's teachers reported she had a rough day not listening yesterday. I went back and forth with if I wanted to mention that in her note from the elves today. Ultimately, I decided not to--but I think it's always good to remind her of second chances and that a new day is just around the bend. That new day was much better today. And A is really seeming to internalize the kindness piece. If I say "thank you for using manners/the compliment, etc." she has started saying "like the elves, mommy!" She also wakes up a few minutes early on her own each day to find the elves and see what they're up to. She also asks to get the call from Santa every day. We still don't get the sense she "buys" it, though. And that's okay with me.

Today's Christmas activity was to decorate contact paper drawings of Santa (don't judge; I've never said I was an artist) with holiday pom poms.

This basically just became a giant mess. I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up glittery string for days.

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