Alaina is certainly starting to be more interested in toys and such. So I got her a few little things that light up and play music and should keep her interest until she's a toddler (so the package says...). I can't wait to see her playing with them more. So far, she watches the lights curiously and, if a toy is near by, she likes to investigate it with her mouth. Her newest thing this week is flailing her arms about, which often ends in her hitting herself in the face or chest. Which she thinks is hilarious.
She isn't spoiled:

This video has horrible picture quality but it's the only time I could get her to demonstrate it for the camera!
She also thinks bibs are tasty and worth investigating.
In other news, she's getting tougher to put to sleep for naps. She still sleeps great at night but she really doesn't want to fall asleep before 10:30 pm (the Olympics are very exciting!). She seems to be doing pretty well on the switch back to soy formula. I probably will be introducing hidden dairy back into my diet slowly next week to see how she responds. I will start with a McDonald's small fry. :) Exciting stuff.
It's been a crazy few days. My schedule at work is picking up a bit in terms of deadlines, thesis proposal, reports that need reviewing, papers to submit, etc. It's still hard to find the time to work at home and coming in only twice a week doesn't really cut it. But I am doing what I can. Today our babysitter had the day off of her other job so I had her come in for a few hours so I could go to work. It's impossible to take Alaina anywhere right now because it's 110+ degrees every day.
Classes start in two weeks and I admit being pretty excited. It will be difficult for a few weeks until Alaina starts daycare on September 17. I am very curious to see how different our lives will be once we add this to our routine. I tend to think I might start cooking and baking a bit again on the weekends. We'll see. I did bake some "jelly donut" cupcakes last weekend. They were not a resounding success. Chad blames it on them being vegan. I blame the nutmeg.
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