Friday, October 25, 2013

Too good at sharing

Who had guessed that A would share her stomach virus with her loving parents? Everyone, right? Although A was back to 100% by Sunday morning, Chad and I got hit hard this week. I'm just so thankful the illness was staggered and short-lived (I was sick Tuesday evening through Wednesday afternoon and Chad was sick Wednesday morning to Thursday morning). I am also SO thankful for daycare. This is ironic given we probably wouldn't have been sick if she hasn't been exposed there but hey, I digress. I am so very hopeful that we can escape any major illnesses the rest of the semester.

By Sunday, she was ready to rock & roll, probably laughing at mine and Chad's fruitless efforts to decontaminate the house (doesn't she just *look* like she already knows it's too late?!?).

"Waste of time, Mommy...most stomach bugs are caused by a norovirus and they will get you."

On Monday, she was so ready to go to school that she grabbed her bag and headed for the door. 

She was so upset when Chad went to move the car. 

We are all glad to be back at work & school! Just in time for the weekend. Our PSA, everyone should pay particular attention when washing their hands in soapy water this time of year! They say to sing happy birthday twice (& don't forget under your nails!). Those pesky viruses can hang out on most any surface, including fabric, for days. Pretty much the only ways to get rid of them are bleach solutions (on surfaces, not your skin! and p.s. Clorox wipes and most "green" products do not cut it here!) and washing them down the drain. There isn't much you can do when you are literally thrown up on, but for everyone else, good hygiene helps. So, wash up!

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