Friday, October 5, 2012

Making it

I'm almost halfway through with my trip. No breakdowns yet on my part. It's hard, though. Someone brought a baby close to Alaina's age to the conference so that was hard to see (the parents are both psychology faculty members).

Chad & Alaina survived the first night without me and I'm so proud of them! They had a rough start with a lot of screaming and crying (on her part) for several hours, refusing to go to sleep, be soothed, or entertained. I can only imagine how tough that was. But she went to sleep just before 9 pm and stayed asleep until 6 am.

I called daycare and they said she was having a good day and she had taken a couple of naps this morning. So that's good. I have checked in on the webcam a few (hundred) times and once she was sitting on the ground with the boppy and it looked like she was pushing a ball hanging from the ceiling. I felt so proud--such a big girl! I wish I'd gotten a picture. It was adorable.

I won't say I regret coming. I'm glad I did but my head is definitely not all here. But I'm sure that's to be expected. It was probably too soon. I still haven't found the personal/professional balance that makes me happy but I believe it will come with time.

Anyhow, I had a little break from the conference so I wanted to update. Here are a few pictures from before I left and from daycare (she's in the aqua bumbo seat).

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