Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2018 Performance Review

There is little that brings me more pleasure and peace than lists and goal setting. On this blog, over the last several years, I've vacillated between refusal to set resolutions because the evidence for their effectiveness is so slim, to embracing the euphoria I'm filled with when given a blank page to set goals (2013 values based post, 2015 values based post, 2016 ambivalence, 2017 goals based post--apparently I was too stressed in 2014 to do anything other than get through the day!). I know that I will be lucky to fulfill even a fraction of what I want to accomplish this year, but little glimmers of optimism always shine through on New Years Day and make me giddy with the potential for great things to come. No worries, the defensive pessimist in me is already warning about the problems of too many goals and setting myself up for failure. The upcoming year should at least be full of fun as we have family visiting in January, go to Disney in February, and are looking at a trip to Yellowstone in June. I looked at my "100 Things" list again tonight and was happy to see that on January 1, 2017, I had 29 items checked off and tonight I have 37 items. 

Before I outline my goals for what the "2018 Under Review" evaluation will look like, I wanted to share a really phenomenal set of potential resolutions written by my former supervisor, Dr. David Susman--he outlines 10 ways that we each can "Resolve to Save a Life". I encourage you to take a look. It's really great!

Professional goals
  • Submit 6 manuscripts (including at least 4 student first author manuscripts)
  • Resubmit NIH and OCAST grants
  • Create a plan/set up for successful sabbatical (Spring 2019)
  • Take EPPP (Step 1: decide to study? Step 2: schedule?)
  • Attend 3 national conferences
  • Say "no" more (Step 1: read book on saying "no" more?)--journal reviews and overload courses are culprits 
  • Submit PCSAS application
  • Propose curriculum changes
  • Send out alumni survey
  • Catch up on client notes
Personal goals
  • Set up Forest app to automatically reduce phone usage in mornings and evenings
  • Read, on average, 4 books per month. Continue stretching across genres and reading diverse lengths of books. Intentionally include more nonfiction, classics, and books by authors of color.
  • Get to the gym 3-5 times per week. Average 15-25 miles 'running' per month.
  • Start tracking calories.
  • Continue making at least 1 new monthly recipe. Try at least 3 fancy or more challenging recipes this year (any suggestions?). Incorporate healthy recipes in meal plan (help!).
  • Get 6+ hours sleep at least 5 days per week (Step 1: figure out how to achieve this)
  • Develop a plan for learning new language? (Step 1: determine if this is a goal I actually want to accomplish this year)
  • Create plan for high clutter areas (e.g., laundry room, mail)
  • Follow through on thoughtful ideas for friends
  • Consider hiring laundry service
  • Call about singing lessons
  • Find person to make Alaina's t-shirt quilt
  • Eat at least 2 fruits or veggies per day (start making smoothies again?)
  • Set up quarterly donations to food bank
  • Watch movies that have been nagging at me for years--Breakfast at Tiffany's and Waitress
  • Continue semi-regular dates with 1) other moms and 2) colleagues
  • Have board game nights with Chad
This is a lot, I know! I'm going to schedule quarterly check ins now so that I at least do not forget the goals I set.