Before I outline my goals for what the "2018 Under Review" evaluation will look like, I wanted to share a really phenomenal set of potential resolutions written by my former supervisor, Dr. David Susman--he outlines 10 ways that we each can "Resolve to Save a Life". I encourage you to take a look. It's really great!
Professional goals
- Submit 6 manuscripts (including at least 4 student first author manuscripts)
- Resubmit NIH and OCAST grants
- Create a plan/set up for successful sabbatical (Spring 2019)
- Take EPPP (Step 1: decide to study? Step 2: schedule?)
- Attend 3 national conferences
- Say "no" more (Step 1: read book on saying "no" more?)--journal reviews and overload courses are culprits
- Submit PCSAS application
- Propose curriculum changes
- Send out alumni survey
- Catch up on client notes
Personal goals
- Set up Forest app to automatically reduce phone usage in mornings and evenings
- Read, on average, 4 books per month. Continue stretching across genres and reading diverse lengths of books. Intentionally include more nonfiction, classics, and books by authors of color.
- Get to the gym 3-5 times per week. Average 15-25 miles 'running' per month.
- Start tracking calories.
- Continue making at least 1 new monthly recipe. Try at least 3 fancy or more challenging recipes this year (any suggestions?). Incorporate healthy recipes in meal plan (help!).
- Get 6+ hours sleep at least 5 days per week (Step 1: figure out how to achieve this)
- Develop a plan for learning new language? (Step 1: determine if this is a goal I actually want to accomplish this year)
- Create plan for high clutter areas (e.g., laundry room, mail)
- Follow through on thoughtful ideas for friends
- Consider hiring laundry service
- Call about singing lessons
- Find person to make Alaina's t-shirt quilt
- Eat at least 2 fruits or veggies per day (start making smoothies again?)
- Set up quarterly donations to food bank
- Watch movies that have been nagging at me for years--Breakfast at Tiffany's and Waitress
- Continue semi-regular dates with 1) other moms and 2) colleagues
- Have board game nights with Chad
This is a lot, I know! I'm going to schedule quarterly check ins now so that I at least do not forget the goals I set.