Thursday, April 5, 2012

Home stretch...

Today was my 39 week appointment because she had to reschedule me from Tuesday morning. I had lost 0.2 pounds--I'll take it. :-) However, my blood pressure was up to 138/80, which did not concern the doctor at all. Given the swelling I've had in my feet and now my hands (and also a little edema on my lower abdomen which sucks!!), I was a little nervous about pre-eclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension, which is a pretty common but dangerous pregnancy complication). However, my doctor indicated that there has not been protein in my urine (including today) and she really doesn't worry unless the diastolic BP is above 100. I should also note that I was running late for my appointment and had to climb stairs and they took me straight back so that might have inflated it a bit so I had them take it again and it was 125/85. The doctor just said to really take it easy this weekend and to not do too much running around. So, that's the plan. I also continue putting my feet up (which will be easier when I'm not at work) and will not eat as much fast food. I do really well with drinking water already.

Otherwise, things are good. Alaina's heart rate was in the 130s which is normal. I was measuring around 41-42 weeks. I was almost 1 centimeter dilated, still about 50% effaced, and Alaina is not engaged. I haven't been having real contractions or anything. My doctor will not be on call this weekend so I'm hoping she doesn't come before Monday (unless she comes tomorrow afternoon...). There's no reason to think she'll come in the next couple of days. However, I'm much more prepared for her to come now. I was really just hoping to make it through tomorrow and it looks like that is going to happen so I am really happy! No matter what though, by this time next week, you should get to see a picture of Ms. Alaina! I will try to post a picture on Facebook as soon as possible; it's harder to update the blog from my phone, though. But I'll probably update from the hospital if the recovery is going well.

It's been a little stressful to try to get everything done by tomorrow and I'm not sure I'll get everything but I hit a lot of the really important things that others can't take over for me. Nothing new on the baby list because I've been focused on finishing for work--yay, productivity!

  • Revise and resubmit NSSI manuscript YES!
  • Review manuscript for Psych Assessment
  • Finish grading midterms (the students said they don't care if they ever get them back! haha!!)
  • Grade reports and feedback sessions for class
  • Write 3 lectures
  • Create grading rubric for graduate presentations
  • Enter grades
  • Sign clinic notes twice weekly
  • Review assessment report
  • Review 3 intake summaries
  • Review my graduate student's thesis proposal
  • Review undergraduate thesis and poster presentation
  • Help undergraduate revise IRB application
  • Read graduate student thesis (finishing it tonight)

Updated Survey:

How far along: 39weeks, 4days
Total weight gain/loss: +38
Maternity clothes: I've been wearing stretchy non-maternity dresses and such lately. 
Stretch marks: Nothing new. But the little pocket of edema looks yucky.
Sleep: My sleep has actually been better the last week! I mostly have been trying to convince myself I don't need to get up more than once a night and it's working pretty well.
Best moment this week: So funny! My sweet cousins had sent Chad and me a box of size 3 diapers and I put them in the closet with our other diapers. I got a message from Tori explaining things that were in the box...and we realized they weren't diapers! Instead, it was an entire box of adorable clothes, headbands, hairbows, shoes, etc. So cute! And hilarious. Thank goodness she sent us the message because we totally would have wasted all those cute little baby clothes by the time we opened that box!
Movement: Her movements have slowed down a little bit in the mornings but she still packs a punch in the afternoon/evenings, though!
Food cravings: I've thought about hamburgers a few times (which I almost never eat because I'm allergic to them) but I haven't had a strong need to eat one. Today I wanted a snickers bar but didn't get one. Still not cravings but I'm tired of having nothing to say here. I did have a bit of an aversion earlier this week though when Chad made spaghetti and I really just did not want tomato sauce. Possibly an aversion or possibly just protecting myself from reflux later that night. 
Labor Signs: I still have trouble telling the difference between contractions, braxton hicks, and stretching. But I feel like I would have to know if they were real contractions, right?
Belly Button in or out: It looks really weird; I guess it's starting to pop out a little Just a little. 
What I miss: Other than turning over in bed, I've been thinking about things I haven't eaten due to pregnancy--like pineapples and lunch meat. 
What I am looking forward to: Finally....Meeting Alaina! I am excited to see what/who she looks like, how she smells, and how cute she's going to look in all these clothes we have!
Milestones: Tomorrow is my last day of work and that's a huge milestone!

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