Monday, April 9, 2012

No progress

So I had my 40 week appointment this afternoon. The good news: I had lost 1 pound (okay, that isn't necessarily good news for the pregnancy but it made me happy), my blood pressure was down a smidge, though still on the upper end (132/78), and Alaina's heart rate was in the 140s.

The not great news: I have made absolutely no progress since last Thursday. My doctor scheduled me for an ultrasound on Wednesday to check her size, position (since she couldn't even tell if Alaina was still head down, though she suspects she is), and level of amniotic fluid. I asked the doctor what she thought about inducing on Thursday if I still wasn't making any progress. She really didn't want to commit to anything until after the ultrasound. She said we will be looking to see if Alaina has gotten too big and to see if she has enough amniotic fluid along with making sure that my blood pressure is still in the normal range. If all is well and I haven't made further progress, we may reschedule the induction for some time next week. Again, the reason for this would be because with induction, you have approximately a 50% chance of needing a c-section and much of that risk has to do with the fact that some inductions are completed before the baby or body is ready (i.e., like in my case where I'm not making progress). So I'm not sure if I want to risk that. However, if any of the above isn't fine and I'm still not progressing, I will be admitted Wednesday night to start the induction process.

In a way, I almost wish I hadn't asked her and just went with our plan for Thursday. Now I feel like I have a decision to make that I don't want. I really just want us to do what's best for her. Hopefully on Wednesday I'll have made progress (or I'll go into labor before then) and this will be a moot point because I'm not sure I want to hold off on the induction but I'm also not sure that I want to go through with it. I know that I'm not going to care once she gets here but it's taking a little time for me to adjust. I need to just stop being a brat and trust the doctor will know what's best on Wednesday. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

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