Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Meh. I hate numbers.

Given that so much of my life is devoted to research and the occasional afternoon of exciting statistics (yea, maybe that is rare), pregnancy has certainly given me a surprising disdain for numbers. Today is no exception. So you may have seen yesterday that I said we were hoping for a number below 130 on the initial screening test they do for gestational diabetes. Well, I got the results of the screening test today and it was 130. Exactly. So it's important (or annoying) for me to note that last year the cut-off for the gestational diabetes screening was 140. Some doctors still use that cut-off. Not mine. Even though I am literally on the cut-off, she wants me to do the 3-hour test. Given my family history of diabetes, this isn't really that shocking to me. Just the fact that one single number makes such a difference. If it had been 129, I wouldn't even be thinking about this. If it had been 135, I probably wouldn't question it. But 130. Boo.

I have been overly obsessed and focused on this today. In reality, I want to not complain. While yes, it will likely be disgusting, uncomfortable and ridiculously boring to hang out in the hospital for 4 hours getting blood drawn every hour, I am still thankful that I've had such a healthy pregnancy. I never threw up and my morning sickness was not severe. I haven't had any spotting and no scares. I haven't even really had back pain yet and reflux is manageable with Tums. I am thankful. I have a friend who has been struggling with her blood pressure and heart rate and has had a lot of monitoring and difficulty. A girl that I went to college with was due the week before me and she had to have her little girl the week after Christmas due to severe high blood pressure (baby is 2 weeks old and from what I understand, she is making progress). So yes, I have a lot to be thankful for. I just need to keep reminding myself of that. I'm sure I'll complain on Monday, but hopefully I'll have perspective.

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