Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Updated survey + lists

How far along: 38weeks, 3days
Total weight gain/loss: +38
Maternity clothes: I really don't have any spring clothes. This is becoming a problem. 
Stretch marks: Nothing new
Sleep: Yea, really not happening. I wake up every hour (almost on the hour, which is interesting). I guess there really is something to the body preparing you for being up all night with a newborn...
Best moment this week: Definitely finishing the nursery!
Movement: She is still going strong. 
Food cravings: Nope. 
Labor Signs: Nothing.
Belly Button in or out: Almost flush. And very sensitive. 
What I miss: I don't think there's anything I could miss more than turning over in the bed without waking up. 
What I am looking forward to: Ugh, it's so bad that all the things I can think of are work-related.
Milestones: I've hit all the milestones now except my due date. :)

Nothing new on the baby list but I am making progress at work, thankfully! 
  • Revise and resubmit NSSI manuscript (due April 2)
  • Review manuscript for Psych Assessment (due April 4)
  • Finish grading midterms
  • Grade reports and feedback sessions for class
  • Write 3 lectures 1 lecture
  • Create grading rubric for graduate presentations
  • Enter grades
  • Sign clinic notes twice weekly
  • Review assessment report
  • Review 3 2 intake summaries
  • Review my graduate student's thesis proposal
  • Review undergraduate thesis and poster presentation
  • Help undergraduate revise IRB application
  • Read graduate student thesis

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

To be evicted no later than April 12

Today we had our 38 week appointment. My blood pressure had gone back down a little (128/68) but I had gained 3 pounds (silly girl scout cookies and brownies!). We listened to her heartbeat, though it took the doctor a bit to find it since Alaina was moving around all over the place! However, it was a nice healthy 150. We didn't get to see her today, though. The doctor also checked and saw that I wasn't dilated at all and Alaina was not "engaged." If she was engaged (i.e., dropped), that would mean that her head was 'locked into place' and she really wouldn't be able to move it very much. However, she's still moving her head around and such and likes to run from the doctor. My fundal height had stayed at approximately 40 weeks. In combination, these things gives me a ray of hope that she won't come this week. I know...I'm still one of the few pregnant women who is not ready for the baby to come, at any cost, this late. I've read online about women who do all kinds of crazy things to start labor (e.g., drinking castor oil--yuck!). Not me. I don't even want to bend over and pick up a piece of paper in case my water breaks. ;)

I also talked to the doctor a bit about what her recommendations would have been if she had not seen our birth goals. In general, she suggested that she probably wouldn't vary them much. However, she did schedule us for an induction on April 12 (40 weeks, 4 days), if Alaina hasn't arrived by then. The doctor indicated that it's possible that Alaina hasn't dropped because she's just too big. When I asked if she was thinking I would need a c-section, she basically said she always keeps that in the back of her mind when she is dealing with a big baby. But that it isn't something we need to schedule, or even decide on, for another two weeks. She said she won't really want to suggest it unless we get to April 11 and I've not made any progress in labor and they do another growth scan and it looks unlikely to be delivered naturally without complications. While I am not thrilled at the idea of having a c-section, I have come to terms with it in the last couple of weeks (I was never adamantly opposed to it; just a preference). I am really at peace with it either way. My doctor said something along the lines of "you all went through so much to have this baby and we just want her to be as healthy as possible." Chad and I completely agree. While it would be great if I didn't have to have one, I won't be upset about it.
No matter what though, Alaina should be here within 16 days. Interestingly, this is the same day that my sister, Andi, has been scheduled for her c-section of her little boy, Sam and the same day my colleague, Lana is due with her little boy, Ben!
One of our graduate students is fully confident Alaina is coming Thursday, April 5. A coworker reminded me that April 6 is a full moon so she expects Alaina's birthday to be next Friday. That would be too bad for the student whose thesis defense I'm sitting on at 3 pm that day!

Along those lines, a few have asked me how long I plan on working. My plan is to work through next Friday, April 6. We'll see how well that goes! It would be a lot easier if OSU hadn't chosen this month to take away all of the parking near our building, forcing us to hunt for spots and walk further! That's a pretty sore subject for me. I start summer supervision on June 4 and plan to go in 2-3 days per week, depending on child care (which is yet to be determined).

Anyhow, things are going well! Still lots of work to wrap up but it is what it is. This is my list for help me with accountability (the other list seems to be working really well in that regard).
  • Revise and resubmit NSSI manuscript (due April 2)
  • Review manuscript for Psych Assessment (due April 4)
  • Finish grading midterms
  • Grade reports and feedback sessions for class
  • Write 3 lectures
  • Create grading rubric for graduate presentations
  • Enter grades
  • Sign clinic notes twice weekly
  • Review assessment report
  • Review 3 intake summaries
  • Review my graduate student's thesis proposal
  • Review undergraduate thesis and poster presentation
  • Help undergraduate revise IRB application
  • Read graduate student thesis (that I may not be able to attend if I'm in labor!)

Tonight we're making the last freezer meal (I gave up on the baked ziti) and yesterday I booked a newborn photographer. Yay for crossing things off the list...even if I didn't get to finish grading the graduate students' midterms...
  • Find a pediatrician 
  • Finish decorating the nursery
  • Launder and organize the baby clothes
  • Decide on a bring home outfit
  • Make meals to freeze
  • Write "birth goals"
  • Determine what necessities we still need to buy (like um, diapers...)
  • Pack our hospital bags
  • Install the car seat
  • Find and schedule a photographer for newborn photos
  • Finish thank-you cards
  • Talk to dog sitter
  • Get more house keys made
  • Buy curtains for front door
  • Find part-time child care for the summer

Sunday, March 25, 2012

14 days to go!

Two more weeks until my due date! Again, some data suggests that only about 5% of babies are born on their actual due date. Most babies are born within 10 days on either side. A friend recently told me that the median length of pregnancy in healthy first time moms is 41 weeks, 1 days (April 16), which has been found in some studies. Epidemiological data suggests the average first time mom in the United States had her baby at 39 weeks, 5 days (April 6) and 57.7% of first-borns are delivered on or before their due date.

With that in mind, we've been on a roll in crossing things off the list! I've still got lots to do at work but it's getting better. Today was fantastic in terms of baby preparation! I bought a number of things today to finish packing my hospital bag and organize all the amazing clothes we've received in the last couple of weeks. I actually had to box all clothes that were 6 months and above because we ran out of room in the closet and dresser, with just newborn, 0-3 months, and 3-6 months! Chad got the car seat installed in my car. Then, my lovely friend Ricki came over and helped us to finish decorating the nursery. Chad and I can't stop peeking in there. I would tell you how amazing it looks but instead, I'll let you see for yourself. Below are pictures and a video (again, it always photographs/videos more "neon" green at night than during the day--so weird)!

We will be going to the big consignment sale I mentioned in a previous post. We have most everything we need (...and then some...) but will be looking into things like a swing, high chair, towels, gowns, and burp cloths. All the work we did tfeels great and yay, this list stresses me out a little less this week!

  • Find a pediatrician 
  • Finish decorating the nursery
  • Continue laundering and organizing baby clothes
  • Decide on a bring home outfit
  • Finish thank-you cards
  • Make meals to freeze {2 more to go...still}
  • Write "birth goals"
  • Determine what necessities we still need to buy
  • Pack our hospital bags 
  • Install the car seat
  • Find and schedule a photographer for newborn photos {I have contacted 2 and am waiting to hear back}
  • Talk to dog sitter
  • Get more house keys made
  • Buy curtains for front door
  • {New this week} Find part-time child care for the summer
Also, I would be remiss to not mention today's awesome game! UK to the Final Four! I realized at the end of the first half that I had chosen an unfortunate outfit for wear running errands. Eeek, I was in the Baylor Bears new 'highlighter' colors! However, we were on a 16-0 run when I realized that and, anyone who knows me knows that I'm pretty superstitious about silly things (especially sports!) so I was afraid to change. I'm not saying I'll wear red next Saturday though (blasphemy!). Speaking of, I'm pretty nervous about that game. I think Kentucky can beat (and dominate!) any team out there but Pitino does know how to win championships so it's a little scary. But I can't wait! I can only imagine the craziness in Kentucky this week, gearing up for the next step in the Big Dance!

Here I am, dressed like a highlighter for my 38 week picture, along with a picture from 33 weeks in the same outfit, for comparison purposes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

...or that's a big baby!

So you all may remember that at my last appointment, my doctor announced that either Alaina was a big baby or I am just really short. After today's visit, it appears both of those statements are true!

This afternoon was super busy for us! I had my 37 week appointment and growth scan as well as pre-registration at the hospital. Our ultrasound was the first thing we did.  Unfortunately we couldn't get any pictures or video today as it was mostly just measurements and she was super squished in there. The tech kept trying to get a profile shot but Alaina was wedged under my pelvic bone, making it virtually impossible to even see her profile. We did get a glimpse of a super chubby cheek, though. It was very, very cute. I still couldn't tell if she has my nose or Chad's.

So, yea, what we learned today--Alaina is a little fatty. :) She was measuring at 7 pounds, 11 ounces at 37 weeks. Now it's important to note that ultrasound measurements can be off by a half to a whole pound. However, she also still has about 3 more weeks to pack on another 1.5-2.5 pounds. Yikes. Her head was already over 11 cm, measuring at 40w1d. Most of her measurements were around 39 weeks. We also saw that she has quite a bit of hair! That was pretty exciting.  

Chad and I met with the doctor afterward. My weight was the same as last week (which surprised me a little given the boxes of girl scouts we purchased last Monday!). My blood pressure was up just a little more (134/76) but nothing that causes the doctor concern. In other good news, my Group B Strep test was negative. The doctor said everything looks great. Alaina is still head down and quite low. My amniotic fluid was on the upper side of normal (still well within the normal range but she did say I may be one of the 30% of women whose water breaks on their own). I sort of had this feeling that she wasn't saying it but she was thinking Alaina will come early or that we'll have to do a c-section. However, it's more likely that I am just being paranoid--she wanted to wait until next week when she checks me before moving forward with a plan. We briefly discussed possibly inducing between April 9 and 16 (between 40w1d and 41w1d) but are waiting to decide this next week. I told her that if things continue to go well and there is no medical reason to induce sooner, I didn't want to go later than the 16th and preferred to not go before the 6th. All of this makes it sound like we actually have some control around this. It's like the Woody Allen quote "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."  

After that was the hospital tour and pre-admission. Talk about information overload!! When I left the hospital, my anxiety was through the roof. That definitely made it more real. Still coming down from that. 

Everything else is going pretty well! Continuing to do laundry and sort baby clothes and I've started making the meals to freeze (4 down, 2 to go!). Our house is a wreck though and no progress on the nursery. In work news, I was able to finish signing all my clinic notes yesterday (an all-day affair!) so I think this would help me sleep better at night, if I was able to sleep better, that is. I'm finishing one of the reviews tonight and hope to get a lot accomplished tomorrow. Yikes, the countdown clock just doesn't stop. 
  • Find and meet with a pediatrician 
  • Finish painting and decorating the nursery
  • Continue laundering and organizing baby clothes
  • Decide on a bring home outfit
  • Finish thank-you cards
  • Make meals to freeze {2 more to go!}
  • Write "birth goals"
  • Determine what necessities we still need to buy
  • Pack our hospital bags {I am slowly working on this} 
  • Install the car seat
  • Find and schedule a photographer for newborn photos
  • Talk to dog sitter
  • {New this week} Get more house keys made
  • {New this week} Buy curtains for front door

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Survey says...

How far along: 37weeks, 2days
Total weight gain/loss: +35
Maternity clothes: I am starting to have to rotate these a bit. I recently did get to wear a pair of capri pants I hadn't worn yet.
Stretch marks: None new, thankfully
Sleep: I really don't understand this idea of "banking sleep." First, I know the body doesn't really work this way. Second, even if it did, the last few weeks of pregnancy seems to be the last time one could bank sleep. I am not tired before midnight and going to bed is aversive. I sleep best from 8 am to 10 am. Unfortunately, that's harder to do when working!
Best moment this week: We sold the elliptical that has been in our living room for quite some time. Yea, pretty boring week, I'd say. :) I did was a bunch more baby clothes and start prepping meals to freeze.
Movement: Yup, still feel her regularly. Sometimes it tickles. :) Other times it hurts!
Food cravings: Still nothing! Come on, just one good craving before she arrives!
Labor Signs: Not really sure about this. As I mentioned in a previous post, it's hard to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and her stretching and pushing her spine and butt as far out as they'll go.
Belly Button in or out: Still in but barely. It's been very itchy! 
What I miss: Being able to turn over in bed without waking myself up and/or having to make a big production. 
What I am looking forward to: Tomorrow's ultrasound. Getting the nursery finished.
Milestones: Sunday was 37 weeks, which means I am "full-term" by most standards. And as people keep reminding me, she really could come any day now...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

21 days to go: Let the panic commence!

We have arrived! We are officially "full-term" at 37 weeks. This means if Alaina was born today, she would not be considered premature (and also that they likely wouldn't do anything to try to stop labor). Based on stats, she should weigh approximately 7 pounds and all of her internal organs should be able to  work on their own. We are also at the point that there are fewer associated problems and medical risks. I'm still not ready for her to come, though! In fact, it makes me a little crazy when people keep telling me I'm going to go early. Don't wish that on me; I'm not there yet! Chad is just as bad as anyone--I think he just finds it hard to believe that my belly (or my feet!) could get any bigger. :)
I got a little nervous on Wednesday. I kept having a mix of what were probably Braxton Hicks contractions and Alaina stretching for a couple of hours. However, they weren't really painful and I had no other symptoms of labor. But it made me a little nervous. This probably contributed to the really terrible night's sleep I had that night--I woke up a million times due to acid reflux and ended up having to sleep sitting up. Fortunately, things have been going fine since then! 

As I noted before, this week is my spring break. My list of projects at work and at home is quite lengthy! Tomorrow I plan to knock out of all my clinical responsibilities (mostly signing notes and reading summaries). I would also love to work on the revise and resubmit. Beyond that, I have two journal reviews due, 3 theses to read, 4 lectures to write, 8 mid-terms/8 papers/and 8 reports to grade...and a partridge in a pear tree...But seriously. I am so excited it's spring break. I really, really hope I can get all of this knocked out this week. I will feel tremendously more optimistic.

Today Chad and I went to the grocery store and stocked up on things for us to make several dinners to freeze for after Alaina's arrival. He made me promise him I won't make them all in the same day. He knows me too well. I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to but that isn't to say I wouldn't have tried! Each meal should make 2-3 dinners. The meals I'm making over the next week are (I'm hyperlinking the recipes in case anyone is looking for new meals to try):

So hopefully they will be good. I know the first one is awesome because I've already made it four or five times. The others could be a flop! However, if this goes particularly well, we may do a few more, including pulled pork for sandwiches and tacos, Chad's amazing spaghetti sauce, muffins/breads, etc. Pinterest gave me a ton of great ideas! I just didn't want to be overly ambitious yet. We're fortunate that I also have a great group of friends who have offered to bring us dinners after Alaina is born.  

Wednesday is the big day for our 37 week appointment, growth scan, and tour of the hospital! I am also expecting a couple of packages of baby things in the mail this week. March 28-31 is a big consignment sale here in Stillwater (Adorable Affordables) so I am hoping we can get any of the necessities we're still missing then. It's apparently crazy so hopefully I can get plenty of rest the night before I go. I'll also be sure to wear my compression socks for the long lines! 

We keep chipping away at the list:

  • Find and meet with a pediatrician {I spoke with Dr. Voight and really liked her}
  • Finish painting and decorating the nursery
  • Launder and organize the baby clothes
  • Decide on a bring home outfit
  • Finish thank-you cards
  • Make meals to freeze {We stocked up on everything today and that's my plan for this week!}
  • Write "birth goals"
  • Determine what necessities we still need to buy
  • Pack our hospital bags {I started mine and Alaina's bags} 
  • Install the car seat
  • Find and schedule a photographer for newborn photos
  • {New this week} Talk to dog sitter

These photos were from last weekend but I thought I'd share them because they're so cute of the dogs. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A quick note

As you can see on my little ticker above, we are now under the 30 day mark. That thought kind of takes my breath away. I suspect that when I see "21 days to go" I'm going to freak out a little. Not sure why but man, 3 weeks seems like so little time! According to statistics, our little girl should weigh about 6.5 pounds and be about 20 inches long. She will continue to gain half a pound to a pound each week until I deliver but she is likely pretty settled on length (which is good given that she is running out of space in there!). If she were born today (goodness, I don't even like writing that!) she would probably require very little medical assistance, though until Sunday she is still considered "late pre-term" and there are still a host of problems that could occur, though clearly less severe and less likely than earlier births. These problems would include things like feeding problems, breathing problems, difficulties regulating body temperature, jaundice, and mild learning or behavioral problems. So clearly we want her to keep cooking. :) Sunday is, by most standards, considered "full-term" though it is still advisable not to induce or perform c-sections in single births until 39 weeks unless medically necessary. We are shooting for 40-41 weeks.

Next week is my spring break. I want to take at least three of those days to get caught up on my work responsibilities. I get especially nervous about the long list of clinical notes, reports, and summaries that need to be reviewed and signed before I go on leave. That and I have a revise and resubmit that I really don't want hanging over me while I am home. So those are my goals for next week.

Another sneak peek

So my doctor's appointment this morning went well. My blood pressure had creeped up a little (130/72) but the doctor was not at all concerned. She said part of it might have been the knowledge that I would be getting the Group B Strep test today (a virus that is not harmful to me but could be harmful to Alaina, if left untreated). I will get those results back next week, I imagine. If I have it, it just means I need to get IV antibiotics after I go into labor.

She also measured my fundal height again and exclaimed "wow! that's a big baby...or you're just short!" Well, we know that second one is true anyway. :) She said this because I was measuring 39 weeks (keep in mind, I am currently 36 weeks). Now, before you freak out (I think Chad almost had a mini-panic attack when reminded that pregnancy is typically 40 weeks!), this is not an indication that she is coming next week. In fact, I have no signs that she will come early at all. However, it does mean that my growth scan got scheduled for next week, which is fantastic. This will be a longer ultrasound on the big machine--and Chad will be coming so hopefully he will get some nice video. Immediately after our appointment next Wednesday, we will be going to the hospital for a tour and to fill out pre-registration paperwork. 

She did complete another little travel ultrasound (see below) and Alaina was actually awake for part of it. However, she seems a little camera shy because almost immediately, she turned over and gave us another great look at her spine. :) She remains head down and facing the side. We also listened to the heart beat on the Doppler and it was measuring in the 140s.

Things are really moving forward...eek!

And to continue to update:
  • Find and meet with a pediatrician {I think I've narrowed this one down after talking to a few friends and my doctor}
  • Finish painting and decorating the nursery
  • Launder and organize the baby clothes
  • Decide on a bring home outfit
  • Finish Write thank-you cards
  • Make meals to freeze
  • Write "birth goals"
  • Determine what necessities we still need to buy (like um, diapers...)
  • Pack our hospital bags (I started Alaina's bag) and install the car seat
  • Find and schedule a photographer for newborn photos

Sunday, March 11, 2012

36 weeks!

So in addition to spending most of today taking pictures, this has been a really busy weekend in terms of preparing. Since I haven't started nesting yet, I decided I should probably just bite the bullet and do the work. I spent the weekend laundering and organizing all the clothes, blankets, and toys for the first three months. We also cleaned out the things in the closet that didn't belong and organized the diapers. So the list is starting to look {very} slightly better. 
  • Find and meet with a pediatrician
  • Finish painting and decorating the nursery
  • Launder and organize the baby clothes
  • Decide on a bring home outfit
  • Finish Write thank-you cards
  • Make meals to freeze
  • Write "birth goals"
  • Determine what necessities we still need to buy (like um, diapers...)
  • Pack our hospital bags (I started Alaina's bag) and install the car seat
  • {New this week} Find and schedule a photographer for newborn photos
My work list is looking longer than ever, though, unfortunately...

Maternity photo shoot

My friend Ricki came over today and took some photos to help us remember these last few weeks prior to Smudge's arrival. We think she did a great job! Here are a number of them (and looks like you will get a preview of some of the new things in the nursery, too!):

Madeline has been dying to get on the ottoman since we got it. I know it's a terrible habit we'll have to break her of but I just couldn't resist a chance to get her in a photo. We don't think she loved it as much as she expected.

The glider is a great place for reading to Alaina!

Madeline remains obsessed with her doppleganger.


The irresistible cheesy heart maternity photo followed by the "let's put cute toys on the big belly" photos. 


36 week photos. 
The first just shows that you can take the girl out of Kentucky but can't take the Kentucky out of the girl: barefoot, pregnant, and chilling with two 6-packs of Ale-8.