With that in mind, we've been on a roll in crossing things off the list! I've still got lots to do at work but it's getting better. Today was fantastic in terms of baby preparation! I bought a number of things today to finish packing my hospital bag and organize all the amazing clothes we've received in the last couple of weeks. I actually had to box all clothes that were 6 months and above because we ran out of room in the closet and dresser, with just newborn, 0-3 months, and 3-6 months! Chad got the car seat installed in my car. Then, my lovely friend Ricki came over and helped us to finish decorating the nursery. Chad and I can't stop peeking in there. I would tell you how amazing it looks but instead, I'll let you see for yourself. Below are pictures and a video (again, it always photographs/videos more "neon" green at night than during the day--so weird)!

We will be going to the big consignment sale I mentioned in a previous post. We have most everything we need (...and then some...) but will be looking into things like a swing, high chair, towels, gowns, and burp cloths. All the work we did tfeels great and yay, this list stresses me out a little less this week!
Find a pediatricianFinish decorating the nurseryContinue laundering and organizing baby clothesDecide on a bring home outfit- Finish thank-you cards
- Make meals to freeze {2 more to go...still}
Write "birth goals"Determine what necessities we still need to buyPack our hospital bagsInstall the car seat- Find and schedule a photographer for newborn photos {I have contacted 2 and am waiting to hear back}
- Talk to dog sitter
- Get more house keys made
- Buy curtains for front door
- {New this week} Find part-time child care for the summer
Also, I would be remiss to not mention today's awesome game! UK to the Final Four! I realized at the end of the first half that I had chosen an unfortunate outfit for wear running errands. Eeek, I was in the Baylor Bears new 'highlighter' colors! However, we were on a 16-0 run when I realized that and, anyone who knows me knows that I'm pretty superstitious about silly things (especially sports!) so I was afraid to change. I'm not saying I'll wear red next Saturday though (blasphemy!). Speaking of, I'm pretty nervous about that game. I think Kentucky can beat (and dominate!) any team out there but Pitino does know how to win championships so it's a little scary. But I can't wait! I can only imagine the craziness in Kentucky this week, gearing up for the next step in the Big Dance!
Here I am, dressed like a highlighter for my 38 week picture, along with a picture from 33 weeks in the same outfit, for comparison purposes.
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