Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Survey says...

How far along: 37weeks, 2days
Total weight gain/loss: +35
Maternity clothes: I am starting to have to rotate these a bit. I recently did get to wear a pair of capri pants I hadn't worn yet.
Stretch marks: None new, thankfully
Sleep: I really don't understand this idea of "banking sleep." First, I know the body doesn't really work this way. Second, even if it did, the last few weeks of pregnancy seems to be the last time one could bank sleep. I am not tired before midnight and going to bed is aversive. I sleep best from 8 am to 10 am. Unfortunately, that's harder to do when working!
Best moment this week: We sold the elliptical that has been in our living room for quite some time. Yea, pretty boring week, I'd say. :) I did was a bunch more baby clothes and start prepping meals to freeze.
Movement: Yup, still feel her regularly. Sometimes it tickles. :) Other times it hurts!
Food cravings: Still nothing! Come on, just one good craving before she arrives!
Labor Signs: Not really sure about this. As I mentioned in a previous post, it's hard to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and her stretching and pushing her spine and butt as far out as they'll go.
Belly Button in or out: Still in but barely. It's been very itchy! 
What I miss: Being able to turn over in bed without waking myself up and/or having to make a big production. 
What I am looking forward to: Tomorrow's ultrasound. Getting the nursery finished.
Milestones: Sunday was 37 weeks, which means I am "full-term" by most standards. And as people keep reminding me, she really could come any day now...

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