Friday, March 9, 2012

Pregnancy Survey

So I was recently asked why I haven't done any pregnancy surveys, given that I used to have such a penchant for them back in the MySpace and email survey days. So, I figure why not--there are so many out there:

How far along: 35weeks, 5days
Total weight gain/loss: +31
Maternity clothes: My fantastic cousin-in-law, Angela, sent me most all of the maternity clothes I own. Oddly enough, lately I have been wearing pre-pregnancy clothes like NY&Co stretchy dress pants and flowy shirts. I was getting a little tired of wearing the same thing daily and don't really want to buy a new wardrobe that will only last for a month.
Stretch marks: I did develop some early in my second trimester. I think bio-oil is keeping them at bay. 
Sleep: I still go to bed too late and have to get up early for work. I generally wake up 1-3 times per night. I'm not really having trouble sleeping but I'm also not waking up rested.
Best moment this week: It's been a pretty low-key week. If Saturday can count, I would say getting the glider/ottoman in the nursery.
Movement: Yes! I thought by now the movements were supposed to be more subtle but she still packs quite the punch!
Food cravings: Nothing. Never. Nada. Boring pregnancy, I know. Chad really has no idea how easy he has it!
Labor Signs: None, not really even experiencing Braxton-Hicks.
Belly Button in or out: Still in but getting more shallow. 
What I miss: Being able to turn over in bed without waking myself up. And my ankles.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery finished.
Milestones: Today was the 30 days left milestone. The next big milestone is 37 weeks, which will mean I am "full-term" by most standards.

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